The Schedules Unit is considered one of the important academic affairs units in the college, its tasks are directly related to the academic work in the college.
Work in the unit is continual throughout the academic year. Generally, It prepares schedules for all departments in the college in coordination with the schedule officials in each department.
The success of the process of formatting tables is due to the study process participates.


To be distinguished in the performance of the work which is assigned to the Schedules Unit to ensure the uniformity of the educational process and improve its quality.


The Unit seeks to contribute in controlling the educational process through carrying out the tasks and activities which are assigned by the college adminstration. This will contribute to provide a learning environment which has a clear view to apply the standards of quality.


  • To communicate with schedule officials in each department to prepare the schedules' plan.
  • Preparing the schedules for both the first, second and summer semesters, and set the courses, classrooms and faculty names in coordination with the schedule officials in each department.
  • To coordinate with other colleges that have the same courses in their college.
  • To inform the students about the schedules through advertisment screens and to University website.
  • To communicate with the Registration Unit to pick up the data and the information about preparing the students who are not registed to confine the sections of every course.
  • Preparing the schedules for final tests, mid-terms and summer courses with the departments, coordinators and choose the halls according to the number of students.
  • To identify the sections according to the study plan and to the number of students, by the coordination with the Registration Unit.
  • Determine the capacity of the departments courses according to  the study rooms and teaching staff.
  • To monitor the changes in the schedule and make the required adjustment.

Contact Us


Phone: 3337277 - 3337017- 3337230

Building : 5     Floor : First floor   Office : FF 1

Published on: 11 January 2017
Last update on: 08 November 2022
Page views: 1433