About the College of Education

The College was established in 1396 AH/1976 AD as a Math and Science Center by the Ministry of Education in the Murikibat neighborhood of Dammam.  In the following year it became an intermediate college and in 1409 AH/1988 AD the College began awarding bachelor of Education degrees under the authority of the Dammam Teachers College. In the year 1428 AH/2007 AD, the college joined King Faisal University and became the College of Education. In the year 1430 AH/2009 AD, a royal decree was issued to establish Dammam University (Currently Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University) and the College of Education became one of its colleges. It offers bachelor, higher diploma, master degrees in a number of educational majors.


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Published on: 20 March 2014
Last update on: 13 November 2023
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