About the System:

The Research Management System (Converis) is an electronic system that includes the research life cycle from the preparation of the idea until reaching an integrated research project through the procedures for obtaining ethical approvals and ending with the product of this project from research publications, patents or any scientific production extracted from the research project. It is considered as the university's research portal that allows internal and external users to view the research production of the university's employees.

Purpose of the System:

1. The main objective of the system is to create an integrated administrative system for research at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University.

2. Providing research services electronically to researchers, including:

A- Submission of support forms for research projects (funded and unfunded).

b- Obtaining ethical approval to conduct research on living creatures.

C- Preserving and updating research outputs (scientific publications).

d- Allowing to apply for financial support for master’s and doctoral theses.

E- Allowing to apply for financial support for students' research at the undergraduate level.

3. Providing follow-up and review services for those with authority (department head, college dean) to view the requests submitted by their departments or colleges for all the research services mentioned above.

4. Preserving the research legacy of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University employees and their intellectual rights to raise the university’s ranking globally.

5. Review the research in terms of originality as well as from the scientific point of view.


The number of research projects entered into the system:

The number of requests for ethical approvals entered into the system

The number of requests for approval of research publications entered into the system

The number above represents the number of research project applications entered into the Converis system by faculty members, researchers, and students, and includes both funded and unfunded research project applications.

The number above represents the number of ethical approval requests entered into the Converis system by faculty members, researchers, and students.

The number above represents the number of accreditation requests for research publications entered into the Converis system by faculty members, researchers, and students.

CONVERIS is the most powerful tool available for research analytics and management of information on researchers, research activities and results. CONVERIS is a research management software system to manage funding opportunities, grant applications, ethical approval, research projects, publications, patent applications, post-graduate thesis submission etc. Specific dashboards can be generated for Researchers, Department Chairmen and Deans and Researcher profiles, Department profiles and College profiles can be created. Research profiles, activities and results can be made available over the web, through CVs and reports in CONVERIS.

Projects/Grants Management

CONVERIS makes the project management processes more simple and efficient one, both for applicants and for peer-reviewers, through structured workflows. If a researcher has a project idea, CONVERIS provides  the option to save the project idea as draft and can submit later at the time of project invitation.

Publications Management

CONVERISfacilitates the efficient publications management for IAU researchers, including integration with the Web of Science as well as ORCID, PubMed, MS Academic Search, CrossRef and more. CONVERIS supports advanced bibliometric reporting with TR’s citation data on all country internal dimensions. Files can be imported and exported in formats like EndNote and BibTeX. CONVERIS offers option to include full text for researchers’ publications, and thus creating an open access full-text repository for IAU.

Extensive Reporting Capabilities

CONVERIS offers extensive reporting capabilities with the relevant indicators, charts and tables based on live data, that enable IAU/ Colleges/ Departments to report accurately on publications and other outputs resulting from projects with IAU funding. Department Chairmen and Deans can view and export the publications and projects of the concerned Department or College.

The number of incoming emails to technical support mail: dsr.converis@iau.edu.sa        

The above number represents the number of technical support requests received by the Converis team from 20/08/2020 until 2/05/2021.

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Published on: 06 October 2016
Last update on: 13 November 2022
Page views: 17347