Academic Events Calendar
Academic Calendar - First Semester 1446 AH
Statement | From Date | To Date | Status |
Adding courses to registration cart for the first semester 2024-2025 | 17/08/2024 13/02/1446 | 17/08/2024 13/02/1446 | |
Registration confirmation for the first semester 2024-2025 (by the student through student information system) | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | 24/08/2024 20/02/1446 | |
Classes begin | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | |
Internal visiting applications | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | 24/08/2024 20/02/1446 | |
Study Postponement for one semester applications (Semester system) | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | 29/08/2024 25/02/1446 | |
Study Postponement for one year applications (Annual system) | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | 12/09/2024 09/03/1446 | |
Equating courses for transfer students from other universities | 18/08/2024 14/02/1446 | 29/08/2024 25/02/1446 | |
Registration confirmation and modification by colleges' registration offices | 25/08/2024 21/02/1446 | 29/08/2024 25/02/1446 | |
Discontinue status indicator for students who have not registered any courses | 29/08/2024 25/02/1446 | 29/08/2024 25/02/1446 | |
Dropping the entire semester (apology) applications with grade of "W" for all registered courses (Semester system) | 01/09/2024 28/02/1446 | 05/12/2024 03/06/1446 | |
Dropping course(s) with grade of "W" (Semester system) | 01/09/2024 28/02/1446 | 07/11/2024 05/05/1446 | |
Dropping course(s) with grade of "W" (Annual system) | 01/09/2024 28/02/1446 | 23/01/2025 23/07/1446 | |
Discontinue absent status indicator for students who have not attended classes for all registered courses with grade "DN" (Semester system) | 12/09/2024 09/03/1446 | 12/09/2024 09/03/1446 | |
Dropping the entire semester (apology) applications with grade of "W" for all registered courses (Annual system) | 15/09/2024 12/03/1446 | 06/03/2025 06/09/1446 | |
National Day Holidays and Long weekend | 20/09/2024 17/03/1446 | 28/09/2024 25/03/1446 | |
Discontinue absent status indicator for students who have not attended classes for all registered courses with grade "DN" (Annual system) | 10/10/2024 07/04/1446 | 10/10/2024 07/04/1446 | |
Fall break | 08/11/2024 06/05/1446 | 16/11/2024 14/05/1446 | |
Student rejoin applications for the second semester 2024-2025 | 17/11/2024 15/05/1446 | 12/12/2024 10/06/1446 | |
Final examinations | 22/12/2024 20/06/1446 | 02/01/2025 02/07/1446 | |
Grading period for courses graded previously with "IC" by faculty (previous semester courses) | 11/06/2024 05/12/1445 | 02/01/2025 02/07/1446 | |
Last day for faculty to submit grades and Grade announcement | 02/01/2025 02/07/1446 | 02/01/2025 02/07/1446 | |
First semester break | 03/01/2025 03/07/1446 | 11/01/2025 11/07/1446 | |
Change of major applications (within the college) | 05/01/2025 05/07/1446 | 06/01/2025 06/07/1446 | |
Specialization (Major preference) applications | 05/01/2025 05/07/1446 | 06/01/2025 06/07/1446 | |
Individual specialization (Major preference) applications | 09/01/2025 09/07/1446 | 11/01/2025 11/07/1446 |
Academic Calendar - Second Semester 1446 AH
Statement | From Date | To Date | Status |
Adding courses to registration cart for the second semester 2024-2025 | 11/01/2025 11/07/1446 | 11/01/2025 11/07/1446 | |
Registration confirmation for the second semester 2024-2025 (by the student through student information system) | 12/01/2025 12/07/1446 | 18/01/2025 18/07/1446 | |
Classes begin | 12/01/2025 12/07/1446 | 12/01/2025 12/07/1446 | |
Internal visiting applications | 12/01/2025 12/07/1446 | 18/01/2025 18/07/1446 | |
Study Postponement for one semester applications (Semester system) | 12/01/2025 12/07/1446 | 23/01/2025 23/07/1446 | |
Registration confirmation and modification by colleges' registration offices | 19/01/2025 19/07/1446 | 23/01/2025 23/07/1446 | |
Discontinue status indicator for students who have not registered any courses | 23/01/2025 23/07/1446 | 23/01/2025 23/07/1446 | |
Dropping the entire semester (apology) applications with grade of "W" for all registered courses (Semester system) | 26/01/2025 26/07/1446 | 01/05/2025 03/11/1446 | |
Dropping course(s) with grade of "W" (Semester system) | 26/01/2025 26/07/1446 | 10/04/2025 12/10/1446 | |
Discontinue absent status indicator for students who have not attended classes for all registered courses with grade "DN" (Semester system) | 06/02/2025 07/08/1446 | 06/02/2025 07/08/1446 | |
Foundation Day Holidays | 23/02/2025 24/08/1446 | 23/02/2025 24/08/1446 | |
Eid break | 21/03/2025 21/09/1446 | 05/04/2025 07/10/1446 | |
Classes resume | 06/04/2025 08/10/1446 | 06/04/2025 08/10/1446 | |
Student rejoin application for the summer semester 2024-2025 | 06/04/2025 08/10/1446 | 01/05/2025 03/11/1446 | |
Final examinations | 18/05/2025 20/11/1446 | 29/05/2025 02/12/1446 | |
Grading period for courses graded previously with "IC" by faculty (First semester courses) | 03/01/2025 03/07/1446 | 23/05/2025 25/11/1446 | |
Last day for faculty to submit grades and Grade announcement | 29/05/2025 02/12/1446 | 29/05/2025 02/12/1446 | |
Eid and Summer Holidays | 30/05/2025 03/12/1446 | 23/08/2025 29/02/1447 |
Academic Calendar - Summer Semester 1446 AH
Statement | From Date | To Date | Status |
Adding courses to registration cart for the summer semester 2024-2025 | 14/06/2025 18/12/1446 | 14/06/2025 18/12/1446 | |
Registration confirmation for the summer semester 2024-2025 (by the student through student information system) | 15/06/2025 19/12/1446 | 17/06/2025 21/12/1446 | |
Classes begin | 15/06/2025 19/12/1446 | 15/06/2025 19/12/1446 | |
Internal visiting applications | 15/06/2025 19/12/1446 | 17/06/2025 21/12/1446 | |
Registration confirmation and modification by colleges' registration offices | 15/06/2025 19/12/1446 | 19/06/2025 23/12/1446 | |
College placement (College preference) applications | 18/06/2025 22/12/1446 | 19/06/2025 23/12/1446 | |
Change of major applications (within the college) | 22/06/2025 26/12/1446 | 23/06/2025 27/12/1446 | |
Specialization (Major preference) applications | 25/06/2025 29/12/1446 | 26/06/2025 01/01/1447 | |
Student rejoin applications for the first semester 2025-2026 | 29/06/2025 04/01/1447 | 07/08/2025 13/02/1447 | |
Internal transfer applications for the first semester 2025-2026 | 29/06/2025 04/01/1447 | 03/07/2025 08/01/1447 | |
Internal transfer applications review and approval period by colleges for the first semester 2025-2026 | 06/07/2025 11/01/1447 | 10/07/2025 15/01/1447 | |
Clearance applications approval period by colleges for internal transfer students | 13/07/2025 18/01/1447 | 17/07/2025 22/01/1447 | |
Student acknowledgment period for internal transfer | 13/07/2025 18/01/1447 | 15/07/2025 20/01/1447 | |
Final examinations | 10/08/2025 16/02/1447 | 12/08/2025 18/02/1447 | |
Last day for faculty to submit grades for the summer semester 2024-2025 | 14/08/2025 20/02/1447 | 14/08/2025 20/02/1447 | |
End of the academic year break | 15/08/2025 21/02/1447 | 15/08/2025 21/02/1447 | |
Individual college placement (College preference) applications | 17/08/2025 23/02/1447 | 18/08/2025 24/02/1447 | |
Individual specialization (Major preference) applications | 19/08/2025 25/02/1447 | 21/08/2025 27/02/1447 |
Academic Calendar - Previous Year
- Academic Calendar - 1435-1436 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1436-1437 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1437-1438 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1438-1439 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1439-1440 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1441 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1442 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1443 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1444 AH
- Academic Calendar - 1445 AH
(Clone)(Clone)Published on: 26 June 2014
Last update on: 28 August 2024
Page views: 167087