The Deanship of Admission and Registration adopts six initiatives that are diverse in their content and contributions. They serve the objectives of the Deanship and support its strategic plan. These initiatives have different fields and directions, some of which enhance values ​​and skills and improve competencies, and some of them raise the level of partnership between the internal and external university community. Furthermore, they contribute significantly to raising awareness and education. The identity of each initiative has been designed to reflect its goal and purpose. The initiatives are divided according to their specialization into two parts: initiatives that support the student include Ufuq, Waai, and Silah. Other supportive initiatives are Natakamal, Nutqin, and Tanweel.

The Waai initiative aims to educate university students about the university’s study conditions and regulations during their study period. In addition, it brings awareness for them about the services provided by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. The logo of this initiative was designed in a visual way that expresses the improvement of students' information by raising their awareness of their duties and rights during their studies at the university.

The Natkamal initiative targets the employees of university including deans, vice deans, registrars, heads of departments, faculty members, and all educational and administrative to enhance their practices in admission and registration procedures and provide training and support to them in using the student information system. The logo of this initiative has been designed in a visual way that expresses the integration and intersection of the parties with each other to provide high quality outputs.

The Ufuq initiative aims to build effective community partnerships inside and outside the university to introduce secondary school students to the university's colleges, faculties, and academic majors. The logo of this initiative has been designed in a way that is compatible with its objectives, which are concerned with community activity directed at secondary students.

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Published on: 13 September 2018
Last update on: 02 February 2025
Page views: 8313