
The Vice Deanship for Development and Community Partnership ensures the achievement of a distinct, effective work environment in the college, and the highest quality standards apply by adopting the best practices in academic and administrative processes and implementing them effectively, in light of the vision, the mission of the college, and the university, and what goes along with its strategic goals, according to Kingdom's Vision 2030. 

The college includes several administrative units that work on preparing, planning, and implementing the development initiatives at the college level, and providing the requirements for its effective application. The Vice Deanship pays special attention to preparing academic and professional development plans that suit the members of the educational body in the college, supporting processes that aim to increase the level of academic and administrative performance, and implementing qualitative training programs that aim to build abilities and develop the faculty members' skills to ensure their effective contributions in improving performance.

The Vice Deanship is concerned with preparing the graduate in a way that corresponds with the labor market, guiding her to suitable job opportunities, providing professional consulting, establishing partnerships with distinguished employers in the region, and strengthening the interactive sustainable communication between the graduate and the college, and following up with her professional life.

The Vice Deanship's primary roles and tasks also include monitoring the main performance indicators for the college and its programs, preparing improvement plans, supervising the closure of the quality loop, analyzing the data, preparing statistical reports, and achieving the aspirations of the beneficiaries from teaching staff, students, and community members through the monitoring evaluation process and surveys of recipients.

The Vice Deanship is seeking to enable openness to the environment surrounding the college, making relations according to the mutual interests principle, building a bridge to reach out to public and private sectors through community partnership, and linking the college's potential and resources in the local community and providing services that suit the needs.

Moreover, the Vice Deanship is working on achieving the Kingdom's Vision of 2030 regarding volunteer work by providing it and encouraging and supporting all employees of the college, from teaching staff, employees, and students, to participate in volunteer work, in addition to launching pioneering initiatives in the volunteer work field.


Excellence in academic practices and community service and developing them following quality standards.



Preparing the general policies of the college, supporting the development of academic practices and competencies of academic cadres, and achieving effective community participation.

The Vice Deanship's Tasks:

  • Preparing the strategic plan for the College of Science.
  • Following up on the implementation of the strategic plan's projects and initiatives in cooperation with the College Deanships and Academic Departments.
  • Preparing a Risk Management Plan for the College of Science.
  • Following up on the preparation of Operational Plans for the departments.
  • Preparing the annual report of the College of Science and submitted to the competent authorities after its approval by the Dean of the College.
  • Working on disseminating the quality assurance culture at the college level in all the deanships, administrations, and academic departments.
  • Supervising the implementation of academic accreditation standards for college programs.
  • Coordinating and following up on the implementation of the academic accreditation plan for the college programs.
  • Coordinating between the University Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation and the Academic programs in the departments to ensure permanent cooperation between them and to complete the deanship requirements.
  • Following up on the formation of the college's advisory committees and the academic programs and submitting them to the secretariat of the advisory committees for approval.
  • Following up on the preparation of the advisory committees' reports, complete the meeting forms, and submitting them to the deanship.
  • Following up on the completion of the recommendations submitted by the Advisory Committee and Commitment to the Improvement Plan prepared by the Academic Programs.
  • Assigning powers to representatives of academic programs through the electronic systems of the Deanship of Quality: Quality/ Outcomes /Indicators and others and following up the commitment of academic programs to complete their data.
  • Supervising the preparation and implementation of the Annual Plan for Community Service to ensure the effective contribution of the college towards Community Partnership.
  • Documenting community service activities for all college staff in the Social Responsibility Bank and the Volunteer Work Platform to ensure the development of the college's balance in this regard.
  • Supervising the MoU and cooperation between the college and community institutions that related to the college's disciplines to ensure a beneficial exchange between the two parties following the university's regulations and systems and evaluating it within the periodic reports.
  • Coordinating of all training workshops in cooperation with the various deanships at the university and departments inside the college and provided to all college staff.
  • Implementing and following up the activities of the Creative and Excellent Awards in academic, research, and career performance at the college
  • Supervising all the developmental projects that aim to enhance performance.
  • Creating and updating a database of college alumni, employment rates, and their facilities.
  • Continuous marketing for the College Alumni and their skills, organizing events and exhibitions, inviting employers and stakeholders, and coordinating with the Alumni and Professional Development Center in this regard.
  • Participating in monitoring the performance indicators for the college annually and setting up plans for improving and supervising the closure of the quality circles.
  • Participating in monitoring the performance indicators for the program annually and setting up plans for improving and supervising the closure of the quality circles.
  • Following up the students' evaluation process through (Estibana), one of the systems of the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation that aims to collect the feedback of the students, faculty members, employees, Alumni, and employers through several surveys and analyze and prepare reports based on them.

Vice Deanship Units:

  1. Quality Control and Academic Accreditation Unit.

  2. Performance Development and Functional Excellence Unit.

  3. Statistical Analysis and Measurement Unit.

  4. Awareness and Community Service Unit.

  5. Alumni and Career Development Unit.

Organizational Structure

Contact us

Office of Vice Dean of Development and Community Partnership 

Office Manager

Telephone: 013-3337253 -013-3337429

Email: sci.qd@iau.edu.sa  

Strategic Planning and Risk Management Unit

Telephone: /    013-3337171   

Email: csd.spu@iau.edu.sa

Quality and Academic Accreditation Unit

Telephone: 013-3337090   /   013-3337159 

Email: csd.qaa@iau.edu.sa

Partnership and Community Service Unit

Telephone: 013-3337489   /   013-3337085    / 013-3337484  

Email: dcssd-acss@iau.edu.sa

Development and Training Unit

Telephone: 013-3337093 

Email: vpsdcs.pdfe@iau.edu.sa

Alumni and Career Development Unit

Telephone: 013-3337361 

Email: csd.alumni@iau.edu.sa

Statistical Analysis Measurement Unit

Telephone: 013-3337482    /   013-3337001 013-37510 

Email: vpsdcs.sam@iau.edu.sa

Published on: 30 April 2017
Last update on: 11 September 2024
Page views: 1690