
House of Expertise is branched from the Centre for Quality of Assessment and Examinations at the Presidency for Academic Affairs (VPAA) at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University (IAU), which aims to benefit from the faculty member's expertise at IAU by providing services and consultations in the field of student assessment under the international best practices.


A supporting House of Expertise for developing student assessment systems and practices at the national and regional levels.


Empowering the governmental and private institutions to raise the quality of student assessment practices by the requirements of the labor market and the international best practices.


  1. Providing services and consultations in the field of student assessment through:
    • Developing student assessment methods and tools.
    • Setting student assessment policies and procedures.
    • Developing guidebooks and handbooks.
  2. Designing and providing training programs, packages, and workshops in student assessment.
  3. Contributing to the development of assessment systems by participating in the external review of the quality of student assessment practices.

What do we offer to our beneficiaries?

  • Consulting services.
  • Specialized training programs.
  • External reviews of the quality of student assessment practices.

Training Programs

Short Programs:

Training programs are designed to raise the quality of student assessment practices in academic programs according to the best and latest international practices. These training programs offered with a duration of 2-8 hours, and the participant receives a certificate of attendance.

Training Programs

Student Feedback

Assessment foundations

Self -Assessment of Student Performance

Exam Blueprint

Student Portfolio

Characteristics of good Exam

Peer Assessment

Principles of Questions Writing

Assessing Projects & Field Training

Tools for Written Assessment for Health Professions Colleges

Rubrics Development

Developing Extended Matching Questions (EMQs/R-type)

Analyzing and Reading Test’s Result

Using Multiple Choice Items to test Higher-Order-Thinking Skills

Items Banking and Developing Equivalent Forms of Exams

Developing Constructive Alignment in Student Assessment 

Student-Centred Assessment

Alternative and Effective Assessment Methods

Using Self- Reflection in Student Assessment

Developing and Scoring Essay Questions

Assessment of Professionalism

Open-Book Exam

Student Assessment& Academic Integrity  

Planning of OSCE & OSPE Standardized Versus Virtual Patient


Performance based Assessment – PART (1) in Simulation (OSCE)

Orientation Training Program for Students Assessment

Performance based Assessment- PART (2) At Workplace

Extended Intensive Programs

  • Certificate of Student Assessment (CSA) program

Program Description

The Certificate of Student Assessment (CSA) training program aims to support faculty members in developing and improving student assessment and examination processes to ensure that the learning outcomes are achieved and ensure that students acquired the essential knowledge, skills and values that empower them to compete in the labour market. The program extends to one semester, and the participant receives a certificate of passing the program.

The CSA consists of two modules of 3 days duration each and a final project and assessment tasks that are equal to 20 training hours. The total training hours is equal to 50 covering the main areas of assessment and examination processes. The program is aligned with the competencies of the Assessment Literacy.

Aim of the CSA Program

The Certificate of Student Assessment (CSA) training program aims to prepare highly qualified faculty to transfer their experiences and invest them in improving the learning process. This is through helping them to acquire the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes to design, analyse, and monitor the processes of student assessment and examinations. Also, to help faculty validate the assessment processes and ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of assessing the learning outcomes as aligned with the NCAAA standards.

Objectives of the CSA Program

  1. Enhance the trainees’ knowledge and skills in:
  2. Selecting the appropriate assessment methods, designing, and implanting them as aligned with the learning outcomes.
  3. Applying the principles of good practices in student assessment
  4. Administrating, scoring, and interpreting the results of assessment tools
  5. Verifying the assessment tools and ensuring they assess the learning outcomes accurately and as aligned with the NCAAA standards.

Target Group

Faculty at academic programs and Heads of Quality for Assessment & Examination Committees.

Language of Program Delivery

CSA is delivered in both Arabic and English based on the language of instruction in the academic programs.

Duration of CSA Program

Fifteen training hours as follows: 15 training hours- basic module, 15 training hours- advanced module, and 20 hours for final project and assessment tasks

Delivery of the CSA Program

The training program is delivered face to face (F2F). Trainees are assessed using the Black Board learning management system and f2f as well.

Contact us: 

Phone: 013 – 33 35002

Email: vpaa.qa@iau.edu.sa

Address: D3 Building. 

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Published on: 12 June 2022
Last update on: 25 May 2023
Page views: 1882