About the Office of Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

It can be asserted that taking advantage of opportunities is one of the important responsibilities for us as a scientific institution to be able to provide benefits for the university community elements, including students, faculty members, and teaching staff members, for the effectiveness of such opportunities in the educational process. Accordingly, the establishment of the Directorate of Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange between our IAU and international scientific institutions was of great importance to support and enhance teaching, learning and scientific research processes for raising service level provided by IAU to distinct levels.

Moreover, the directorate is committed to the values of collaboration and exchange in various fields of knowledge as an essential part of our research activities, especially such type of collaboration provides an optimum environment for researcher work to be able to achieve the scientific capabilities in a manner that takes into account coordination with global institutions to achieve the common goals regardless of the distance of the geographical area, without neglecting that the region is in a true need for information in order to help the leadership of the institution and its research community to devote efforts toward achieving sustainable scientific and research development. Therefore, the directorate endeavored to open horizons for collaboration in this field with regional and international scientific institutions in order to achieve the vision of IAU related to this trend.

As the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 aspires, among some of its goals related to technology and innovation, to pay attention to technologies and strategies that would enhance the Kingdom’s position globally, by localizing modern technologies inside the Kingdom through universities, research institutes and competent entities, IAU as one of KSA leading and distinctive universities proactively participated in achieving the vision of the nation.

And as per achieving the vision, H.E, the President of the University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rubayish, took the initiative to support the establishment of this vital directorate due to the importance of knowledge exchange in translation of modern global technologies into the Kingdom in a manner achieves IAU mission that contributes to achieving KSA Vision 2030.

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Published on: 10 April 2014
Last update on: 12 October 2022
Page views: 3998