The Vice Deanship for Development and Community Partnership has the following responsibilities: 

  • Supervise the Vice Deanship for Development and Community Partnership units and committees. 
  • Participate in conducting studies and proposals related to the performance of academic, research and administrative development programs with relevant authorities inside and outside the university and, ensure the application of quality assurance tools to achieve the university’s goals.
  • Study the difficulties facing development and quality programs and propose solutions to solve them.
  • Develop plans for periodic review of approved quality standards to ensure continuous improvement of the performance of academic departments and administrative units.
  • Supervise the implementation of the academic evaluation and accreditation program.
  • Work with the college’s academic, research and administrative bodies to update the college’s organizational structure in accordance with approved University updates and prepare the necessary procedures guides.
  • Work on the development of the college strategic plan that is consistent with the university’s strategic plan, while defining responsibilities, tasks, and targets and following them up through a periodic report on performance indicators.
  • Participate in monitoring and measuring initiatives and performance indicators to improve spending efficiency, the university’s strategic plan, and the requirements of the National Centre for Public Agencies Performance Measurement “ADAA”.
  • Supervise the preparation of the college’s annual report and submit it to the relevant authorities after approval of the college dean.
  • Participate in university activities and studies that contributes to social responsibility.
  • work on mechanisms to obtain the expectations, requirements, and level of satisfaction of the college’s stakeholders (internal and external) and following up on its implementation in the relevant academic departments and administrative units.
  • Update the college’s website. 
  • coordinate between college’s units and departments
  • Submit periodic progress reports of the vice-deanships unites and committees o the College Dean, showing the achievements and difficulties.
  • Follow up on the Vice-deanship administrative work, meetings, and any related matters.
  • Perform assigned work and other tasks.
Published on: 10 November 2016
Last update on: 13 November 2023
Page views: 743