Award of Excellence in Teaching, Scientific Research, Community Service & Administrative Creativity


About the Award

It is an annual award granted on level of both departments and the college based upon certain elements of quality and excellence and upon accurate criteria set for assessing the nominees.

Division of the Award

College of Arts at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University “IAU” seeks to achieve quality in the academic and administrative processes entrusted therewith; building upon this, the college has been for several years unprecedently honoring excellent persons annually in different fields.

Since 1437H, the college has focused on some practices that achieve the goal of motivation and honoring according to standards of administrative and academic quality and hence it has worked upon regulating the award in four fields:

  • Teaching (Learning and Teaching)
  • Scientific Research
  • Community Service
  • Administrative Creativity

The college represented in committee on the award is keen to employ various capabilities to keep up with the desired goals and expectations. 

Objectives of the Award

  • To raise the college affiliates’ awareness about the importance of excellence in performance through learning about the criteria according to which the ideal member shall be nominated.
  • To stir up spirit of fair competition among the college affiliates to attain excellent performance which the college administration aspires to.
  • To assert the importance of code of ethics in improving workplace environment.
  • To create a healthy workplace environment that guarantees that employee could do his work properly.
  • To create clear methods for administrative creativity through creating a competitive atmosphere required for improving level of performance between the administrative offices and academic departments separately.
  • To improve the affiliates’ level of performance and to keep up with any developments in workplace environment and its requirements. 


Committee of the Award

The committee consists of:

  • Dean of the college/ chairperson
  • Vice-Dean for Development & Community Partnership/ Vice-Chairperson & Rapporteur of the committee
  • Vice-Deputies/ Members.

Categories Covered by the Award

Faculty members and the teaching staff at College of Arts (professor, associate professor, assistant professor as well as lecturer who undertakes teaching full-time equivalence courses and the teaching-assistant may apply for nomination in field of community service) and the administrative staff of the college.

General Rules

  1. Nomination for the award shall be a right guaranteed to all the teaching and administrative staff except members of the committee on the award (the referees).
  2. Member of the teaching staff may nominate for one award and may not nominate for more than an award at the same time.
  3. Nominee shall have at least two-year experience in academic teaching or work at university.
  4. Files which do not meet requirements specified in the by-law shall be excluded.
  5. Nominations for the award of excellence in teaching shall be accepted in both Arabic and English languages, heeding the following:
    • Filling out all information attached to the award link.
    • Attaching the document(s) which proves the member’s excellence in the said fields.
  6. The committee on the excellence award shall select the college-wise winners.
  7. Preference among nominees shall be based upon content of the files submitted and to what extent they meet the criteria and provisions of the stipulated by-law.
  8. Deadline for submitting applications for nomination shall be abided by and any delayed applications shall be excluded. 
  9. Any person who has previously won the college-wise award of excellence shall have right to nominate for the award anew after three academic years elapse.
  10. Nomination shall not be accepted unless nominee achieves score 70% of the award-related criteria.
  11. Evaluation members of the award committee may not nominate for the award.

The Rules Related to the Award Committees

  1. The award committee which undertakes reviewing nominations related to the excellence awards shall deal with all data and information provided by the nominee in full confidentiality and shall not be used except for purpose of preference among nominees for the excellence award in teaching, scientific research, community service and the administrative creativity.
  2. The award committee shall upon considering the nominations neither disclose any of the nominees’ names nor results of sorting.
  3. The award committee shall upon considering the nominations of the excellence award exclude those files that have not fulfilled the criteria and provisions of the stipulated by-law.

Requirements & Procedures of Nomination

The nomination file, sent electronically via the link, shall include the following:

  1. Nominee’s information according to the set form.
  2. Nominee’s c.v.
  3. A copy of:
    • A complete portfolio of one of the courses which the candidate member has taught individually during an academic year for those nominees for the excellence award in teaching in pdf format along with partitions between each section and the other (the course portfolio shall be uploaded as one document without separation).
    • An integrated file includes the member’s scientific researches and activities in scientific conferences and symposiums- participation and attendance- for nominees of the excellence award in scientific research along with attaching a report on the appropriate citation percentage of such researches nominated for the award printed from the designated application (the file to be uploaded as a single document without any separating of its elements along with putting partitions between each evidence and the other as per the criteria of such by-law).
    • A file contains the member’s achievements in community service for those nominees of the excellence award in community service (a file, in form of single document without separating its elements along with putting partitions between each evidence and the other as per the criteria of such by-law, contains a description of the community services which the member has rendered and their goals as well as their social impact).
    • A file contains the distinctively creative administrative work which the member made.
      * all the above-mentioned files should be on the achievements made during the current year.
  4. A copy of students’ opinion survey on the faculty member’s performance for each course he has taught during the current year.
  5. A copy of an employee performance evaluation for the last academic year.

The Award Criteria

First Branch: Criteria of the Excellence Award in Teaching

The nominee for the excellence award in teaching shall explain his most outstanding achievement in teaching along with attaching the necessary evidences in light of the following criteria:

  • His philosophy of teaching 
  • His ability to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the course content (the enriching materials related to latest developments in his specialization) and to present a consistent and modern list of the references related to the courses he teaches.
  • His ability to layout and organize the course instructional units “IUs” logically and systematically and to accurately describe the goals and expected learning outcomes “LOs” and set a timetable for student performance evaluation during the semester (time plan).
  • His use of technology in designing, presenting and preparing the academic courses (with attaching the supporting evidences).
  • His ability to adopt distinctive and creative methods and strategies in presenting the academic courses in a way that achieves the target LOs (supported with evidence).
  • Fulfilling elements of the course report in full as required by the NCAAA.
  • Adopting academic assessment methods adequate to students’ needs and requirements of the academic courses he teaches. 
  • His assessment of student coursework comprehensively and constructively resulting in developing their learning skills and motivation (rubrics).
  • His submitting a quick and effective feedback of students using various methods and strategies help them learn about their strengths and weaknesses (remarks and comments on assignments and projects).
  • Positive communication with students (an evidence from university e-mail or SMS…)
  • His attendance of teaching-related conferences, symposiums, workshops and courses on teaching and learning (preference differ according to type of workshops).
  • Delivery of the teaching process-related lectures and workshops.
  • Attaching complete exam blueprint templates. 
  • Applying strategy of peer marking of the mid-term and final examination worksheets.
  • Layout and coordination of the portfolio.

The Second Branch: Criteria of the Excellence Award in Scientific Research

The nominee for the excellence award in scientific research shall explain his most outstanding achievement in scientific research along with attaching the necessary evidences in light of the following criteria:

  • Having researches published in refereed scientific journals or SJIF (a link for each published research according to the publisher).
  • Having his researches documented in Google Scholar or Google Scopus (attach the webpage link).
  • Having co-researches with faculty members inside or outside both the college and the university.
  • Having co-researches with students (BA- graduate studies)
  • The nominee’s researches are featured with novelty and originality and compliance with research priorities.
  • The nominee’s researches contribute to community service.
  • Having recurrent scientific publication over the last three years without any publication violations (at least one research per year).
  • Contributing to providing the BA and graduate studies students with knowledge and experience and consultations in field of specializations (supported by evidences).
  • Number of the scientific papers submitted in the symposiums and conferences held inside and outside the university. 
  • Number of the seminars he administered or attended inside or outside the department.
  • Number of referential citations for published researches.
  • Layout and coordination of the portfolio.


The Third Branch: Criteria of the Excellence Award in Community Service

The nominee for the excellence award in community service shall explain his most outstanding achievement in community service along with attaching the necessary evidences in light of the following criteria:

  • To highlight the feasibility of such work and its positive impact of the target category and community through assessing the impact of community service on the beneficiary category.
  • Such work represents sustainable initiative that can be developed and updated.
  • Cooperating with bodies outside the university in field of community service such as cooperation with Ministry of Social Affairs or the municipalities or civil society associations and others along with mentioning names, number, addresses and dates of those bodies and activities which render such services.
  • Community services are related to the specialization.
  • Number of the faculty member’s hours recorded on the National Volunteer Portal.
  • Submitting scientific applied studies on community service.
  • Membership to the charity associations or centers along with mentioning name of the charity associations or centers and attaching a copy of certificate of membership indicating nature of such membership.
  • Supervising students in field of community service whether the supervision is a part of the academic program or an additional extra-curricular supervision along with mentioning number of students and titles and dates of the programs they worked for.
  • Layout and coordination of the portfolio.

The Fourth Branch: Criteria of the Administrative Creativity Award

 The nominee for the administrative creativity award shall explain his most outstanding achievement in field of administration along with attaching the necessary evidences in light of the following criteria:

  • The creative idea should have been achieved, applied and proved feasibility.
  • The creative idea which the nominee has presented shall form a breakthrough in field of work.
  • The idea supports the processes of administrative organization inside and outside the college.
  • The idea being tangibly effective in workplace environment.  

Criteria for Evaluating Candidates

Published on: 28 March 2017
Last update on: 16 April 2024
Page views: 3708