The Deanship of Academic Development offers short training programs that are implemented throughout the semester in the form of lectures and workshops at the times determined by the colleges. The Deanship shares a questionnaire with all faculty members to determine their needs of training programs. Then the Deanship contacts each college and asks them to choose the training programs needed by their faculty members. These programs are then scheduled according to the appropriate dates for each college, and assigned to facilitators to present them.

Target Participants: All faculty members, teaching assistants, lecturers and heads of academic departments.
Duration of each program: 2-3 training hours.
Participants receive a certificate of attendance.

These programs are mainly aim at:

  1. Providing opportunities for learning and continuous professional development of faculty members in terms of improving university teaching and learning practices.
  2. Confirming the outcomes of the national qualifications framework (NQF) in the academic programs, curricula, through the use of best practices in teaching and learning, state-of-the-art methods of teaching and evaluation that are compatible with these outcomes.
  3. Introducing faculty members to modern trends in teaching and learning, and training them to have the knowledge and skills in curricula development, effective teaching methods, student learning and methods of assessment and evaluation, and the use of educational technology.

Topics of Training Programs

The Deanship allows faculty deans to identify the most important topics for faculty members in their college, from more than 70 available training topics.

Topics within the following areas are offered:

  • Main concepts in teaching and learning
  • Recent trends in teaching and learning
  • Teaching strategies
  • Curriculum design
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Educational technology
  • Learning environment
  • Student support, and
  • Professional development and ethics.
Published on: 09 April 2018
Last update on: 24 May 2018
Page views: 1950