
A community of practice to tackle an outstanding emerging issue pertain to academic matters through faculty-driven projects.


TLL will facilitate and assist the academic community to

  • Address academia emerging issues
  • Propose innovations and ideas that impact education
  • Apply solutions to T&L issues
  • Create an active T&L community
  • Encourage discussion and open dialogue about the quality of teaching and learning at all levels at IAU
  • Establish a culture of continuous development and improvement through communities of practice


We are academic professionals from various colleges and disciplines at IAU.  We collaboratively work to impact teaching and learning with the expert’s assistance in teaching strategies, learning design, curriculum and instruction, academic leadership, educational technology, and educational measurement and assessment…etc.

Excelling Together.. A community of Practice

Published on: 09 June 2021
Last update on: 08 March 2023
Page views: 1205