
The Faculty Mentorship Certification Program (FMCP) is a comprehensive program welcoming and orienting new faculty members into the IAU academic community. The program, which began in May 2016, is designed to introduce new faculty members from all academic domains to IAU rules and regulations and equip them through workshops and mentoring with the necessary tools to become successful academicians.

Rationale for Program Continuation

Based on the benchmarking of several universities (6 international and 3 national) for the first Cohort of FMCP and the positive feedback of the original participants (89% approval rate overall), the program supports the university's important values of excellence, transparency and loyalty as the new faculty member is immediately exposed to available services, rights, expectations, and responsibilities. Creating such collegial culture and environment from the onset will also promote faculty member promotion, retention and loyalty.


A distinguished mentoring program that supports faculty to realize his/her potential as an educator, researcher and innovator.


Providing IAU faculty with the necessary tools to facilitate navigation towards university excellence.

Program Partners and Stakeholders

The program partners were determined as the 17 essential departments and deanships that run the major functions of the University. Mentors, mentees (new faculty members), Deanships, colleges, and departments of the University are the major stakeholders in the FMCP. The Deanship of Academic Development is the main administrator of the program.

Participating Centers, Departments and Deanships (in alphabetical orders)

  1. Academic Leadership Center
  2. Counseling and Advising Center
  3. Deanship of Academic Development
  4. Deanship of Admissions and Registration
  5. Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development
  6. Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Learning
  7. Deanship of Faculty and Personnel Affairs
  8. Deanship of Information and Communication Technology
  9. Deanship of Library Affairs
  10. Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation
  11. Deanship of Scientific Research
  12. Deanship of Student Affairs
  13. Directorate for Public Relations and Media
  14. Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC)
  15. King Fahd University Hospital
  16. Patent and Technology Transfer Office (PTTO)
  17. Scientific Council

Target Participants

Target participants are new faculty members, defined as those academic members newly hired by IAU or those who have returned from the scholarship program, and are within their first year of academic service. A faculty member in his/her second year is eligible to participate if nominated by the Dean of the relevant college or deanship.

Nomination of Participants

Mentees (new faculty members): Based on a comprehensive list from the Office of the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research and the Deanship of Faculty Affairs, an invitation will be given to all new faculty members (Saudi and non-Saudi) to the university including Colleges and Deanships (all on academic track).

Mentors: Recommended from colleges and university-wide call for nominations/applications; those who meet the minimum qualifications will be invited to attend the Mentor Training Program.

Overall FMCP Outcomes

The overall goal of the FMCP is to promote the culture of mentoring at IAU. In addition, newly-appointed faculty members who take place in this program will be able to

  1. Become familiar with IAU overall, the university's vision, mission, values, goals and the major development programs, projects, and services available.
  2. Participate and communicate in a positive environment that assists the faculty members in their adjustment, both practically and psychologically, to IAU.
  3. Examine the concept of what it means to be a faculty member at IAU inclusive of key characteristics and values, rights and performance responsibilities, and accountability as a faculty member.
  4. Recognize the available professional development and service programs at the university and the importance and requirements of having an active role in professional development and university/community service.
  5. Become aware of scientific research programs, including requirements (required KPIs), and sources of academic information available, electronic and otherwise, to contribute to the intellectual knowledge of the university community.
  6. Understand the role and process of implementing IAU regulations that govern undergraduate and graduate education including accreditation and institutional ranking.
  7. Develop the necessary skills and the ability to design and manage the overall educational process in the areas of teaching and learning, research and innovation, leadership, and service.
  8. Apply the concept of mentoring, including the responsibilities, roles and rights of being a mentor or mentee at IAU during the training programs and within the colleges/departments.

Mentoring Areas

Based on the recommendations from stakeholders, requirements of the University, and feasibility, four mentoring areas are proposed as follows:

  • Teaching and Learning, 
  • Research and Innovation,
  • Service, and 
  • Leadership

Each new faculty member will be mentored in one or more areas. Each mentor will support the new faculty member in at least one of four areas.

FMCP Main Phases

Mentors Session

Phase: IFor Mentors

Mentor Training Session: with the aim for mentors to understand the concepts of mentoring; identify the important and positive characteristics, role and responsibilities of a mentor; and be able to apply those characteristics in the mentoring process.

Duration: 2 days

Mentees Session

Phase: II For Mentees

  • Information, awareness, and background about the university and introduction to all of the major Deanships and Departments
    Duration: 2 days
  • More in-depth workshops to support the knowledge and skills in teaching, research, and quality assurance.
    Duration: 2 days

Mentors & Mentees Session

Phase: III Mentors and Mentees

Mentor-Mentee Meeting Session: The Initial Introduction Meeting, Mentor-Mentee Partnership Agreement, Mentee Action Plan take place.

Duration: 1 day

Mentors & Mentees Session

Phase: IV Mentors and Mentees

Mentoring in the Colleges.
Mentor/Mentee Relationship: new faculty members will continue in their colleges with their chosen mentors based on their goals, progress meetings, and KPIs.

Duration: Throughout the next 4 months after Phases I, II and III are complete.

Certification: Upon completion of all four phases, mentors and mentees will meet with program administrators to provide final feedback and evaluation and receive Certification for their service.

Published on: 08 April 2018
Last update on: 28 May 2018
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