The transformations and changes that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is going through in line with its ambitious vision 2030, which aims to build research and innovation-based society, to diversify its national income sources and open new doors for a prosperous national economy whose asset is thought and creativity, forces everyone to strive to keep pace with change.

To this end, the Ministry of Education offered funds to serve the mind, and allocated a budget to universities to support scientific research and embrace innovative researchers.

The University of Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal took the lead in this, and deployed its sails to the winds of change through the Center for Scientific Publishing; to support Its distinguished staff members who have professional competencies to carry out their responsibilities in research and authorship to enrich the science and knowledge.

One of the most prominent accomplishments of Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University for its members is providing them with a supportive environment to ensure creativity and excellence in research, authorship and translation. It also provides them incentives and prizes to energize them, and sails with them towards the top -ranked international universities in terms of publishing and authorship.

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University has achieved a drop in the sea of its aspiration and of what can be achieved of these common visions. By God's grace we are looking and working for great and more success in the coming days as there is no limit of our ambitions or an end of our dreams.  

“Embark ye on the Ark, In the name of Allah, whether it move or be at rest!” [Hud: 41]


Prof.Dr. Sarah Aziz Alshehri

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Published on: 26 October 2014
Last update on: 06 September 2022
Page views: 1594