
Scientific research is valued all over the world and the promotion and dissemination of research through scientific publications is a critical component of the research process, which enriches academia, enhances the standing of the University and supports both researchers and authors. Scientific research is like a mirror that reflects a society’s culture, illuminating the scientific knowledge of the authors and the aspirations of the research scholars working in academic institutions.  In order to attain the highest level in scientific research and publications, any proposed scientific work must fulfill the standards of the NCAAA in order to ensure its quality and the role these scientific publications play in the academic accreditation process cannot be underestimated.

The University has received special care from His Majesty, the King of Saudi Arabia since its establishment.  This support is a compelling factor behind IAU’s success in all fields of scientific research. The University has achieved a remarkable position in this area as witnessed by the fact that numerous scientific papers across a spectrum of academic disciplines have been published in acclaimed international journals thereby enhancing the academic stature of IAU internationally. 

The University’s academic achievements have been crowned by Royal Decree Number 35246, on 22/9/1443 AH or 8/10/12 CE by establishing the Center of Scientific Publications. The Council of Higher Education fulfilled this decree during Meeting #73 on 2/7/1434 AH by making the Center of Scientific Publications the University’s gateway for publishing academically innovative and groundbreaking works.

The Center of Scientific Publications was successfully established in 1434/1435 and is equipped with a staff of highly qualified and trained publishing professionals who are developing a unique publishing house in the region that will publish academic works in a variety of disciplines. The University is currently working on promoting scientific research by providing an academically and psychologically rich and supportive environment for innovation and excellence.


Achieve leadership by expanding the knowledge base to enrich science and specialized knowledge in all the beneficiary fields in order to serve the society.


Activate the role of the Center of Scientific Publications at the University in order to attain the best on all the national leading platforms based on science and knowledge.


  • Quality and creativity
  • Excellence
  • Active participation and teamwork
  • Community service
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Standard copyrights/property rights
  • Customer Support


  • Raise the level of distinctive and innovative research production in order to support the University in becoming a leading university internationally.
  • Encourage staff members to support scientific research and authorship at the University and the society.
  • Advance the scientific research system in order to enrich science and specialized knowledge in all the beneficiary fields of education.
  • Encourage staff members to support scientific research and authorship in the University.
  • Translate scientific works and even terms into Arabic as well as publish original work in Arabic, so that the shortage of scientific publications in Arabic is stemmed. 
  • Advance and develop faculty and staff members by promoting a new generation of researchers who will contribute to scientific publications. 
  • Establish a database for staff members’ published works in the University.
  • Publish scientific works related to the promotional objectives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Produce specialized peer-reviewed or juried scientific journals.
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Published on: 10 April 2014
Last update on: 06 November 2018
Page views: 2609