The Department of Chemistry is considered part of the educational and scientific system in the College of Science. The department offers courses in five branches: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Analytical Chemistry. All of which are designed to prepare and graduate specialists who are distinctive competencies, are skillful, and are able to carry out their duties to the fullest to meet the needs of the community in the educational system.

The department has scientific laboratories that are equipped with numerous chemicals and devices that will help in the educational and research process, they are also equipped with safety and security systems.

The Department offers a Bachelor of Science degree (specializing in Chemistry) if the student finishes 128 credited hours, which is divided into eight semesters. The Department is keen on applying quality and academic accreditation through an active working system among faculty members to graduate a cadre that meets the needs of the local and global market. As well as that, the department is working on raising the qualifications of faculty members through a variety of workshops and training courses.

Published on: 15 May 2014
Last update on: 26 January 2022
Page views: 14845