1-Curriculum Committee 

The curriculum committee of COCP is assigned to carry out the following tasks:  

  • Utilize standards of good academic practices to ensure the highest possible quality for the effective curriculum.
  • Plan and execute periodic curriculum review and make recommendations for improvements to achieve the goals, objectives, and the missions, of the program, College and the University, as well as the respective strategic plans
  • Make recommendations for approval of new courses, major changes in an existing course, discontinuance of a course and revisions in general education criteria.
  • Resolve interdepartmental curricular problems and guard against duplication of course contents.
  • Carry out content or curriculum mapping, providing scope and sequence of the particular course focusing on the order in which the skills are introduced for maximum understanding of the content.
  • Review current textbooks, teaching materials, and instructional methodologies consistent with the contemporary educational standards.
  • Review the proposals received from various departments pertaining to curriculum amendments; provide support and assistance to individual faculty members making curricular changes.

2- Academic affairs committee

  • Revise and evaluate recommendations, suggestions and requests submitted by the different units and committee of the Vice deanship for Academic Affairs (i.e. curriculum committee, Examinations and Assessment Unit, etc.).
  • Revise all proposals related to minor and major changes in teaching and assessment of courses before submission to the college board.
  • Coordinate between Vice deanship for Academic Affairs units and academic departments.
  • Direct and guide students and solve their academic problems.
  • Investigate the status of students with difficulties and suggest possible solutions for improvement. 

3-Examinations and Assessment Quality Unit

This unit is concerned with the responsibilities to formulate, direct, implement, and monitor all issues related to examinations as stipulated by Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and IAU’s Center for Quality of Assessment and Examinations. Specific duties and responsibilities include: 

  • Formulate standardized examination format(s) that respond to various departments' needs.  Guide the development, implementation, and oversight of a standardized template for using a variety of assessments: presentations, assignments, seminars, written, oral examinations and others.
  • Review written examinations in order to ensure the standardization of formatting, the richness of content, and the clarity of questions.
  • Ensure that the examinations measure the achievement of the established learning outcomes.
  • Obtain, analyze, and discuss, with concerned course faculty, the results of the analysis for each written examination regarding appropriateness of difficulty, discriminating ability etc. This will enable the improvement of subsequent examinations by modification, addition, or elimination, of questions and answers.
  • Organize the scheduling, logistics, monitoring, efficiency, and confidentiality of generating, copying, and storage of examination and answer sheets.

4-Exam Facilitation Committee

  • Prepare midterm and final exams schedules and assign invigilators’ duties.
  • Facilitate smooth conduction of the exams.
  • Establishes an appropriate procedure for handling exam papers and answer sheets between invigilators, course coordinators and examination unit.
  • Prepare a list of students who were late for the exam and submit it to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs to take the appropriate decision.

5- Academic Scheduling Committee:

The committee schedules and prepares the academic activities including lectures and laboratories of the college in coordination with all departments.

6-Registration and Graduation Unit

  • Prepare the teaching schedule on Student Information System (SIS).
  • Monitor students’ registration.
  • Assist students during the process of the online registration of courses.
  • Provide the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs with a list of students with academic difficulties.
  • Confirm students’ completion of all graduation requirements and update the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.
  • Coordinate with the Deanship for Admissions and Registration in all matters related to registration and graduation.

7-Students Activities Unit:

This committee is established at each program/college to energize, rejuvenate, and motivate students with appropriate extracurricular activities to enrich their daily life, as students. A comprehensive activity plan for the academic year will be organized by the Student Activity Committee to promote camaraderie and collaboration by utilizing team sports, learning activities, and other physical and mental activities. The responsibilities of this committee include:

  • Develop annual and long-range plans for appropriate student activities at the Program/College and the proposed budget needed for the plans.
  • Liaise with Deanship for Student Affairs (SAD) at the University for approval to implement the plan. 
  • Promote the implementation of the annual student activities plan in accordance with the Plan of Action adopted by SAD. 

8-Student Support and Academic Advising unit

  • Prepare the proposal of the student support and academic advising plan and the procedures for implementation.
  • Monitor the implementation of the student support and academic advising plan.
  • Increase the awareness of faculty members and students about the importance of students’ support and academic advising.
  • Prepare regular reports about the unit’s performance.

9- Learning Resources Unit:

The unit manage easy access to all the learning resources at IAU such as libraries, medical databases, different medication databases to the PharmD students. 

10- Students Transfer Committee

The committee is responsible for facilitating student transferring from different universities to the college.

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Published on: 19 October 2020
Last update on: 19 November 2020
Page views: 1147