1-Strategic Plan Committee

  • Develop the strategic plan of the college.
  • Define goals, objectives, strategies and performance indicators for the college strategic plan.
  • Develop action plan to accomplish the college strategic plan.
  • Perform assessment of the level of achievement of each objective by using the predefined indicators, on annual basis.
  • Ensure that the strategic action plan is executed in a timely manner.

2-Discipline (disciplinary action) Committee

The disciplinary committee of COCP responds to student academic and disciplinary issues and makes recommendations to Standing Disciplinary Committee chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This committee serves to protect and sustain the integrity and credibility of the College. This committee is chaired by the Dean. As per IAU rules and regulations, all matters concerning disciplinary action require immediate investigation and this committee usually response to reported incidents of academic or general misconduct. 

3-Principal Committee

The Principal Committee role is to oversee and guide the self–study process. The Principal Committee is authorized to:

  • Determine the framework for the self-study.
  • Coordinate sub-committees work for standard analysis and rating scale.
  • Assure communication and awareness within the institution for the self-study process.
  • Ensure that time frame is followed as planned.
  • Review of responses to prepare the self-study report.
  • Oversee the completion of the final self-study report and producing the documents relevant to the self-study process as evidence.

4-E-exams Committee

  • Prepare the suggested e-exam schedule.
  • Follow up and facilitate e-exam at the college.
  • Take the appropriate decisions toward students who did not attend the e-exams due to technical problems or other excuses.
  • Provide technical support through coordination with the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education.
  • Prepare e-exam reports challenges, problems and distinguished practices. The reports should be submitted to the Center for Quality of Assessment and Examinations.
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Published on: 19 October 2020
Last update on: 19 October 2020
Page views: 884