Basic Premises

The Strategic Plan for the Deanship of Academic Development is guided by several basic principles:

  • Improving the University teaching and learning practices in accordance with the Saudi Arabian Qualifications Framework, SAQF (Formerly, National Qualifications Framework, NQF), and the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA)
  • Raising the external efficiency of the system (Alumni)
  • Expanding opportunities for student learning and participation
  • Enabling faculty members
  • Raising human resource capacity at IAU for teaching and learning
  • Raising the internal efficiency of the system (Processes)

Key Initiatives

The Deanship offers over 25 programs and activities in six major initiatives covering main phases of university teaching and learning (inputs, processes, outputs).

  • Initiative of Academic Programs Review and Development
  • Academy of Excellence in Teaching
  • Initiative of Skills and Academic Development
  • Initiative of Assessment and Evaluation
  • Initiative of Policy and Research in Teaching and Learning
  • Initiative of Awareness, Information and Electronic Services

In addition, there are other initiatives that the Deanship executes on with other deanships and departments within its scope of work.

Framework of Major Initiatives

Description of initiatives

Initiative of Academic Programs Review and Development

The main purpose of the initiative is to ensure the quality of teaching and learning inputs by reviewing academic programs, developing academic programs, and integrating skills into undergraduate courses.


  • Review +20 academic programs in coordination with the Committee for the Management of Academic Plans and Programs.
  • Lectures and workshops specialized in the development and review of academic programs in accordance with the national qualifications framework and NCAAA standards.
  • Development of standards for the development and review of academic programs in coordination with the Committee for the Management of Academic Plans and Programs.
  • Development of standards for academic program external reviewers.

Academy of Excellence in Teaching

The initiative targets faculty members (assistant professor, associate professor, professor) through a number of programs to promote excellence in university teaching practices.


  • Core Competencies Program in Teaching and Learning.
  • IAU Award for Excellence in Teaching.
  • Deanship’s Forums
  • Faculty Mentorship Certification Program.

Initiative of Skills and Academic Development

In addition to faculty members, the initiative offers its programs to teaching assistants and lecturers. The initiative aims to develop participants' teaching skills and to develop them professionally.


  • First Week Training Program.
  • In-Colleges training programs.
  • International workshops.
  • Preparing TA's and Lecturers
  • Public education and community service programs.
  • 4 units for T&L serving the four clusters of the university.
  • Academic Development abroad.

Initiative of Assessment and Evaluation

The initiative offers development opportunities and specialized programs in university assessment and evaluation.


  • Review assessment and evaluation practices in academic programs.
  • Specialized programs in assessment and evaluation.
  • Peer Observation.

Initiative of Policy and Research in Teaching and Learning

The initiative aims at participating in the creation, study and revision of university teaching policies, as well as encouraging scientific research in teaching and learning.


  • Educational studies and research.
  • Policies to achieve quality in teaching and learning practices.
  • Development of content and training tools for the Deanship programs.
  • Benchmarking and study of international experiences in a number of topics related to teaching and learning.

Initiative of Awareness, Information and Electronic Services

This initiative includes a number of programs and services to raise awareness of best practices in teaching and learning.


  • Counseling and Support Services.
  • Educational Cafe.
  • Resources in teaching and learning.
  • Educational posters.
  • Teaching and Learning Handbook.
  • Webinar programs.
  • Training material on Blackboard
  • The keynote speaker.
  • The Closing Lecture.

Published on: 23 April 2018
Last update on: 03 November 2019
Page views: 2330