
Leadership as a house of expertise in the field of humanities and social studies.


Providing an environment for conducting scientific research and providing qualitative consultations to study phenomena and address the causes of problems related to the humanitarian, social, educational and legal aspects to achieve the goals of national visions and their strategic aspirations.


  1. Contributing to achieving the goals and strategic aspirations of national visions, by providing research and scientific consultations
  2. Strengthening the university’s financial resources through investing in research outputs, scientific publishing, translation, and scientific and statistical consultations.
  3. Strengthening partnerships and cooperation with academic institutions, similar research centers, and relevant community institutions
  4. Monitoring and anticipating the social and educational phenomena in society, and developing appropriate solutions to their problems, if any
  5. Providing studies and consultations to decision makers in various humanitarian, social, legal and educational fields
  6. Providing a research environment for faculty members and graduate students in the field of humanities and social studies
  7. Forming joint research committees between university researchers and education policy developers in the Kingdom
  8. Issuing a peer-reviewed scientific journal to publish research and studies in the fields of science, humanities and social sciences

Procedural Steps to Achieve the Objectives:

  1. Contributing to achieving the goals and strategic aspirations of national visions, by providing research and scientific consultations
  2. Marketing of research, educational and training services related to the areas of work of the center’s units
  3. Preparing flyers and brochures to introduce the activities and services provided by the center’s units
  4. Communicate with beneficiary institutions to introduce the units and their services, and coordinate with these institutions to determine their current and future needs, the problems they suffer from, and try to find solutions to alleviate their severity.
  5. Concluding agreements with beneficiary institutions to conduct scientific studies to solve the problems they suffer from, provide scientific and research consultations, and awareness-raising activities.
  6. Receiving requests for research and training services in the areas of the center’s units, and coordinating with specialists to cooperate in their implementation
  7. Announcing the research opportunities and priorities for each unit, and motivating participants from inside and outside the university to contribute to them
  8. Forming teams for research projects and setting time plans for implementing the project, with follow-up to implement research and solve difficulties that researchers may face until publication in high-impact international journals.
  9. Create a database of the most important statistics and data necessary for the units and beneficiaries
  10. Holding training courses, workshops, and conferences periodically for beneficiaries. 

Center Units

  1. Spatial Research Unit
  2. Family and Community Research Unit
  3. Cultural and Linguistic Research Unit.
  4. Intellectual Security and National Identity Research Unit
  5. Educational Research Unit
  6. Legal Research Unit

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Published on: 06 May 2024
Last update on: 06 May 2024
Page views: 827