The Catalysis Unit pursues research and development on the synthesis and processing of nanomaterials for catalysis and chemical engineering. Our research interest is the utilization of the unique properties of metal nanoparticles for the design of heterogeneous catalysts with high control of composition, size, morphology, and chemical properties. We have highly skillful researchers working on fundamental aspects of acid-base and redox catalysis with the aim of understanding the nature of the active sites, reaction mechanisms, formal mechanisms, kinetics, and design of reactors. Moreover, our research activities extend to cover the design of environmentally friendly downstream processes, i.e., to upgrade the product quality (solar refinery, cross-coupling reaction) or to degrade most recalcitrant pollutants in water.

In addition, the catalysis unit platform will be used for training of undergraduate and postgraduate Saudi students through senior and capstone projects which are verifying the Kingdom's vision for supporting scientific research in different levels.

Capacity building is one of the main outcomes of the catalysis unit. Saudi Graduate students and scientists will be able to work together on new projects. They will expand their vision and enable them to learn how to produce nanomaterials and use them for applied science and environmental application. In addition to that, with these new skills and competencies, they can be entrepreneurs to establish their startup companies and to transfer the technologies and add new products into the commercial area and contribute to the economy. Accordingly, the Catalysis Unit is consistent with the Kingdom's 2030 vision.

Published on: 25 August 2020
Last update on: 25 August 2020
Page views: 824