The department works closely with different specialties within medical and surgical departments who assess dialysis patients when needed. Our department specializes in hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and we also have a pre-dialysis program. Dialysis and pre-dialysis services are provided to adult patients (aged 14 years and over) with end stage renal failure. Our pre-dialysis service is designed to prepare patients with renal failure psychologically and medically for replacement therapy and helps patients choose the modality which is best suited to their needs.

The department’s facilities include state-of-the-art dialysis stations, the latest technology in artificial kidneys, and, personalized treatment programs. The clinical activities have expanded to meet the growing needs for hospital care, as well as responding to the growing population of end stage renal disease.

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Published on: 10 August 2014
Last update on: 18 January 2017
Page views: 2070