The Directorate of Quality and Safety (DQS) of King Fahd Hospital of the University (KFHU) aimed at assisting and guiding departments develop their quality management systems as well as providing a common frame.

The Directorate of Quality and Safety provides support services to all departments of KFHU working to identify and implement initiatives to enhance the quality of healthcare delivered to the community. Each hospital staff has a critical role to ensure that care at KFHU is efficient, safe, timely, appropriate, effective, and patient centered.


To provide professional quality management services to improve the quality of care of King Fahd Hospital of the University by assisting in the management of systems required to meet strategic objectives and the needs of the community.


The Directorate of Quality and Safety in King Fahd Hospital of the University aims to support the hospital in providing the highest quality care through process planning, evaluation, facilitation and improvement.


DQS upholds the following values:

  • Loyalty and dedication to the work.
  • Transparency, honesty and mutual respect.
  • Commitment and compliance with KFHU policies.
  • Work as a team.
  • Maintaining confidentiality of information


The goals of the DQS are to:

  • Oversee and set priorities for the quality program;
  • Provide timely access to high-quality healthcare for all patients, through a cost-effective, safe health care delivery system that objectively and systematically monitors and evaluates the quality and appropriateness of health care and services;
  • Monitor quality-related functions including policy development;
  • Pursue opportunities to improve health care, services and safety;
  • Review reports from the various Hospital Committees and make recommendations regarding operational and quality of care issues;
  • Refer issues/incidents to the appropriate teams, clinical services, departments or committees;
  • Resolve identified problems in a timely manner
  • Facilitate dissemination, discussion, and understanding of clinical and management Audit data.

Scope of Service

  • Monitoring of the multi-disciplinary team functions and system: review minutes and present recommendations to appropriate bodies.
  • Monitoring the policy and procedure system: review of policies and upkeep of hospital policies.
  • Provide consultation regarding the implementation of the JCIA requirements: meetings and discussions with various hospital departments.  Review and update of requirements.
  • Provide consultation regarding the development of policies and systems.
  • Coordination and monitoring of departmental QI teams: ensure representation of all departments and utilization of teams for fuctional improvements.
  • Coordination and facilitation of QI projects: upkeep a log for all studies, facilitate when needed and compile studies for DQS review and future reference.
  • Coordinate Clinical Review process: development of indicators, chart review and periodic reporting.
  • Education and training on Hospital wide policies, JCIA requirements and documentation preparations.
  • Coordinate risk management initiatives (OVR & Sentinel Event reporting – Safety reports – Morbidity reports – Code reports).
  • Monitoring of Patient Safe Goals Implementation.


Annual Reports

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Published on: 22 January 2017
Last update on: 19 February 2018
Page views: 5282