Transportation and Traffic Engineering Department Research Groups

There are 5 different research groups at the Transportation and Traffic Engineering (TTENG) Department, all of which engage in cutting-edge research.

At TTENG we encourage our research groups to collaborate with each other across disciplines of the college and university to make the most of our incredible knowledge base of expertise. In addition, the research group proactively engage in collaborative applied research efforts with the engineering practice and industrial partners.  In this way we hope to stretch boundaries, challenge traditional ways of thinking, and innovate towards finding new solutions to problems in the field of transportation and traffic engineering.

  1. Traffic Systems Management and Operations 
  2. Intermodal Transport Planning and Modelling
  3. Smart Mobility Ecosystems and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  4. Human Factors and Road Safety Research
  5. Pavement Condition Assessment and Management.
  6. Pavement Materials Performance, Characterization and design


This group focuses on traffic systems management in terms of the organizational arrangements, guidance, and control of both stationary and moving traffic, including pedestrians, bicyclists and all types of vehicles. Its aim is to provide for the safe, orderly and efficient movement of persons and goods, and to enhance the quality of the local environment on and adjacent to traffic facilities.


The main objectives of the group are:

  • To conduct supply chain analysis and management studies
  • To conduct freight and logistics assessment in traffic studies
  • To conduct traffic studies, evaluation and analysis
  • To evaluate the potential benefits for traffic control technologies
  • To design and develop signal timing plan for an intersection as well as 
  • To evaluate the traffic system operations
  • To evaluate different transportation facilities in terms of LOS, capacity, congestion and environment.
  • Corridor management research program


Group Members



Dr. Wael Mohamad ElSayed ElDessouki

Assistant Professor

Dr. Arshad Jamal B. Jamal

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sami Abdalla Osman

Assistant Professor

Eng. Ahmed Aftab


Eng. Khurram Shahid Minhas


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Published on: 01 November 2021
Last update on: 24 May 2023
Page views: 1170