Scope and Responsibilities

  • lmplementation of the general policies prepared by the General Supervisory Committee 
  • Coordinating with academic departments regarding setting the necessary conditions for the materials submitted to the programs and approving them.  
  • Comprehensive planning and development of policies related to the academic aspects of the postgraduate programs in the college and following up on their implementation.  
  • Supervising all academic aspects (registration - deletion and addition - withdrawal- the relationship between the student and the department - consideration of complaints submitted by students)  
  • Work on developing and simplifying procedures between departments, students, and the Vice Deanship for Scientific Research and lnnovation.  
  • Determine the number of students who can be accepted in each of the postgraduate programs after approval from program and department councils.  
  • Prepare periodic reports on the work and achievements of the committee.  
  • Supervise the conditions of students in accordance with the regulations and regulations in force, follow up on their academic progress, and evaluate their educational attainment.  
  • Monitoring the commitment of faculty members to lectures and office hours.  
  • Approving the nominated faculty members to teach the courses of the approved programs and identifying a coordinator for each course.  
  • Evaluating the study plans for the courses and the faculty members involved in teaching them.  
  • Revise and approve the course descriptions 
Published on: 11 May 2015
Last update on: 23 November 2023
Page views: 632