About the Vice Deanship

This vice deanship for scientific research and innovation is attached and reports to the competent dean. It offers assistance in the supervision of the progress of the educational, academic, and research process of the postgraduate studies students and the management of the units attached to it in a way that promotes the realization of the organizational objectives. It tracks the execution of the strategic plans for the achievement of the overall objectives and targets of the university. It assumes supervision of the academic and administrative bodies of the deanship. 

In addition; the scientific research and innovation are increasingly focusing on research as a driver of innovation and growth, contributing significantly to solving local, regional, and international problems, while supporting excellence in research and innovation, and emphasizing the commitment to scientific research standards. Furthermore, the deanship stays abreast of all matters relevant to graduate students’ scholarships, and scientific research until the end of their studies. 

Contact us

Vice Dean for Scientific Research and Innovation
Tel: 0133335451 
Email: ccsit.adgssr@iau.edu.sa

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Published on: 08 November 2022
Last update on: 08 November 2022
Page views: 953