
LScientific Research and Publishing Initiative

Supervisor: Dr. Abdullah Ali Alqahtani 

Email:  aamqahtani@iau.edu.sa

This initiative includes research and scientific publication in the field of cybersecurity and oversees a range of sub-initiatives including scientific production, scholarships for graduate students, and lecture series and courses to enrich cybersecurity content

Scientific production

Chair and members of the initiative:

One of the main objectives of the scientific chair is to promote scientific research in the field of cybersecurity and support publication in open access journals. The support includes covering the costs of publishing in journals according to the following classification:

  • Category 1: Contains the first quarter "Q1" and is the highest 25% of scientific journals in this discipline according to the impact factor.
  • Category 2: Contains Q2 and represents 25% of journals in the highest impact factor following Q1.

During the first six months of the chair's launch, the Chair received 23 funding requests and 7 research papers were published in Q1 and Q2- journals.

For all papers published and funded by the scientific chair, the affiliation should be as follows:
"SAUDI ARAMCO Cybersecurity Chair, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia".

Scholarships for graduate students

Chair and members of the initiative:

In order to promote scientific research in the field of cybersecurity, the cybersecurity chair, in collaboration with the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, offers two scholarships to students enrolled in the cybersecurity path in the master's program in the Department of Computer Science. Each grant is a competitive grant covering 50% of tuition fees.
This initiative is expected to be an important engine in the production of high-level scientific research so that the results of these research are published in prestigious scientific journals by attracting distinguished graduate students in the field of Cybersecurity.

Lecture series and workshops in the field of Cybersecurity 

Chair and members of the initiative:

One of the main objectives of the chair is to enrich the knowledge content in the field of cybersecurity for interested specialists and non-specialists where a number of specialized lectures were organized and presented in the field by hosting and attracting speakers from senior specialists in the field and inviting those interested in the field from different sectors.
The chair also organizes annual training workshops for 3-5 days so that interested people from information security departments are invited to register from various government and private entities. In addition to holding training courses for public and private sector workers.

 Patents and editing books

Chair and members of the initiative:

The Cybersecurity Chair intends to be a leading platform for creating and disseminating knowledge in cybersecurity. To improve the scientific vision of the Saudi Aramco Cybersecurity Chair, it intends to enhance research productivity by patenting, editing books, editing special issues in leading journals, and organizing special sessions at international conferences.

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Published on: 07 March 2022
Last update on: 29 May 2022
Page views: 1699