The Board of Trustees of Universities was formed, and its functions were determined in accordance with the provisions of Article (11, 12 and 13) of the new university system issued by Royal Decree No. (M/27) dated 2/3/1441 H.

The Board of Trustees of Imam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University was formed under honorable Decree No. 12354 and dated 16/04/1441 H. approving the formation of the Board of Trustees of Imam AbdulRahman Bin Faisal University for a period of three years. This is informed to the concerned in the University by the Royal Decree No. 20918 and the Executive decision No. 43154 dated 21/04/1441 H. issued by His Excellency the Minister of Education- Chairman of the Council of Universities Affair.

Article 11

Each university shall have a board of trustees whose chairman, vice-chairman and members, except for the university president, shall be appointed pursuant to an order by the President of the Council of Ministers upon nomination by the Chairman of the Council of University Affairs for a term of three years, renewable once. The chairman of the board of trustees shall report to the Chairman of the Council of University Affairs with respect to the powers of the board of trustees stipulated under the Law.

Article 12

 The university board of trustees shall be composed of the following: 1. Four members with expertise in university education. 2. Three members from the private sector with expertise in finance, investment, and law. 3. University president. 4. Three faculty members nominated by the university council. The board’s chairman and vice chairman shall be from among the members mentioned in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article

Article 13

Subject to the Law as well as the rules and regulations issued by the Council of University Affairs, the university board of trustees shall have the following powers:

  1. Approve the university’s vision, mission, and objectives, and set its academic, financial, and administrative policies.
  2. Approve the university’s organizational structure.
  3. Assume governance of the university, and ensure realization of its vision, mission, and objectives.
  4. Approve the implementation procedures for the university’s financial and administrative regulations.
  5. Nominate university president.
  6. Approve the appointment of university vice-presidents.
  7. Recommend the approval of the establishment, merger, cancellation, or amendment of names of colleges, deanships, institutes, centers, and academic departments.
  8. Approve the regulations governing the appointment of deans of colleges, deanships, institutes, and centers, and heads of departments.
  9. Approve the regulations governing the support of research, innovation, authorship, translation, and publication
  10. Approve the regulations governing the provision of consultation and academic services to the public and private sectors and civil society organizations. 
  11. Approve the university’s annual budget.
  12. Approve the university’s incorporation of companies or participation therein, or the joining of existing companies as partner or shareholder, in accordance with legal procedures.
  13. Appoint one or more external auditors for university accounts.
  14. Approve the university’s final accounts and submit the same to the Council of University Affairs.
  15. Approve titles of academic degrees.
  16. Award honorary doctorate degrees.
  17. Form the university’s international advisory board, determine its powers, and set its work procedures.
  18. Review the university’s annual report and submit it to the Council of University Affairs.
  19. Review matters referred to it by its chairman or proposed by any of its members.

 The board may delegate certain powers to its chairman or any other councils in the university, and it may form standing or ad hoc committees from among its members or others to review matters it refers thereto.

Article 14

 The university board of trustees shall meet at least once every three months during the academic year, or upon a call by its chairman when necessary. Board meetings shall be valid if attended by at least two thirds of its members, including its chairman or his deputy. Board decisions shall be passed by the majority vote of attending members; in case of a tie, the meeting chairman shall have the casting vote. Board decisions shall become effective 15 days from the date of issuance.

Article 15

  1. The board of trustees shall, in coordination with the university president, select a university employee to serve as the board’s secretary.
  2. If the position of the chairman of the board of trustees, his deputy, or any board member becomes vacant, a replacement shall be appointed for the remainder of the term, in accordance with applicable procedures.

Published on: 30 May 2021
Last update on: 30 May 2021
Page views: 2520