Academic Supervision is an essential pillar of the educational process in higher education institutions, which achieves the effective link between the student and the supervisor in a manner that deepens the bonds of the relationship between them based on respect, containment and trust that would support educational achievement. The "Academic Supervision Unit" was established to support the development of the educational process, establish the rules of participation and interaction, and make decisions to build a personality capable of facing the future with its variables.


  • Preparing students to get to know and adapt to university life.
  • Provide students with the right information about the college, regulations and regulations, resources, and study programs.
  • Promoting students' academic achievement, raising their abilities, and overcoming obstacles they face during their school years.
  • Reduce the chances of academic stumbles (preventive guidance).
  • Providing advice and assistance to academic problem holders of college students.
  • Take care of students who are alert and skeptical to stumble, take care of them and follow them up until their level of study improves.   
  • Caring for outstanding and talented students and providing what will enhance their abilities and support their creativity.
  • Socially, materially, healthily, psychologically, and professionally sponsoring and assisting students in cooperation with stakeholders.            

Organizational Chart

The Academic Supervision unit is formed within each college headed by the College's Undersecretary for Academic Affairs and includes the Head of the Academic Supervision Unit and the membership of the academic supervisory coordinators of the scientific departments and student guides within the college. The head of the unit is the executive officer in charge of the performance of the academic supervision unit within the college. The academic supervisory coordinator of the department chairs the "Academic Supervision Committee of the Department" where he follows up on the implementation of the action plan and the performance of academic supervisors within his department.

Organizational Structure


  • Implementation of the unit's operational plan.
  • Follow-up work academic supervision in scientific departments.
  • Update the academic supervision page on the college's website.
  • Care for new and converted students.
  • Care for outstanding and talented students.
  • Care for students who are alert and skeptical of stumbles.
  • Activating the role of the supervising student.
  • Activating student support services in meetings, workshops, events, training courses, student activities and services and additional lessons (peer lessons)
  • Activation of electronic services for academic supervision in the student records system
  • Measure the effectiveness of academic supervision and extension services and develop plans for improvement and development based on results.
  • Spreading the culture of academic supervision and its importance through meetings, publications, and awareness campaigns (competitions- activities - events - lighting - videos ....).
  • Activating the program of the competence of academic supervisors, training courses and workshops for faculty members in cooperation with the organizers.
  • Helping students overcome health difficulties and problems during their university studies in cooperation with the relevant authorities.
  • Hold regular meetings to discuss reports from academic supervisory coordinators in scientific departments, student guides to address difficulties, and take advantage of development proposals, to improve performance quality during the current/next semester.
  • Quarterly/annual reporting on unit work, difficulties, and proposals.
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Published on: 08 November 2021
Last update on: 01 June 2023
Page views: 30489