
Efficient management in providing infrastructure, construction, equipment and integrated educational aids that support the educational process, scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship according to the best international standards.


Satisfying and meeting all of the university's requirements for equipment, supplies, services, and educational and research aids. Keeping up with their modernization, as well as enabling the students to access science and knowledge while they develop their skills and experience, and give university staff the tools they need to do their jobs effectively.


  •  Perseverance 
  •  Affirmative
  •  Participatory 
  •  Respectful  
  •  Honesty  
  •  Professional
  •  Commitment to University Values 


  1. Create the general policy for the General Directorate of Equipment, as well as the means of putting this policy into practice.
  2. Prepare annual plans that, within the parameters of the university's objectives and general policies, determine the needs of the university for the devices, equipment, consumables, training materials, furniture, and office     supplies for its teaching, research, training, and office units. After these follow up their implementation after approval.
  3. Estimate the academic sectors’ needs for smart classrooms, networks, television, devices, equipment, teaching and training supplies, furniture, and office supplies. Taking into consideration the operational capacity, and work to secure it.
  4. Secure devices, equipment, training supplies, furniture, office supplies and computers for university units and departments.
  5. Analysis of the urgent scientific laboratory needs across all the academic, research and medical university departments and work to address such needs.
  6. Supervise the executive departments that follow the General Directorate of Supplies.
  7. Participate in the development of the University's own sources of income and income-generating activities.
  8. Sustain the University's resources, encourage rationalization, cut wastage, and reduce spending.
  9. Work in the fields of risk management, hazardous waste, and safety.
Tasks of administrative and financial affairs officers in colleges in collaboration with the General Directorate of Supplies:

There are two parts to the tasks:
First, Administrative affairs including the secretariat, archive, forwarding orders, needs and coordinating with the General Directorate of Supplies as a responsible authority
Second, Financial Affairs in coordination with procurement, planning and budgeting.

The most important duties regarding the relationship with the General Directorate of Supplies: 
    • Following complete and correct compliance with the required administrative procedures, purchase orders must be submitted to the General Directorate of Supplies after being signed by the head department and dean of the college and being sent to The Vice president for administrative and financial affairs for approval and execution.
    • Connect purchase orders (POs) to warehouses and make sure that there are no required items in the warehouse.
    • Purchase and maintenance are placed at a specified time around the end of the academic year and just before the summer vacation. 
    • Receiving requests items from suppliers on behalf of the college and coordinating with the relevant department to prepare the forms of receipt and disbursement.
    • Submit warranty, installation, operation, and training reports for the devices in coordination with the concerned department.
    • Full knowledge of the needs of the colleges.
    • Making an annual count and inventory of consumables, furniture, laboratory devices, computers, and others.
    • Appoint a specialist for the administrative supervision of laboratories in academic, research and medical departments to establish direct contact with the Department of Scientific Laboratories at the General Directorate of Supplies to work on the implementation of performance indicators (KPIs).
    • Reporting stored, unused, and damaged devices and equipment, including laboratories, computers, offices, photocopies and others, and returning them to warehouses.
    • Technical task coordination between the colleges' departments and the General Administration of Equipment with regard to installation, maintenance, training, and spatial distribution of buildings, halls, laboratories, warehouses, and storage facilities.
    • Preservation of the custody of appliances, furniture, and office tools.


    1.  Colleges
    2.  The various agencies and deanships of the university
    3.  General Directorate of Procurement
    4.  General Directorate of Planning and Budget
    5.  Warehouses
    6.  Project Management
    7.  Hospitals and Medical Centers
    8.  Research Centers
    9.  Private Sector Companies
    10. Some community sectors

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    Published on: 29 September 2022
    Last update on: 29 September 2022
    Page views: 962