This unit manages library material’s circulation, user service area, Interlibrary Loan & document delivery, stack maintenance operations and reprographic services.     


  • Membership registration of library users.
  • Circulation (issue, return and renewal of library books) and Inter Library Loan Service
  • Self-Checkout and return
  • Online reservation of library books
  • Provision of Reference Services 
  • Orientation service to the new library users
  • Booking of reading rooms for students for group studies
  • Help library users in using Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and other library equipment. 
  • Provide Printing, Photocopying and Scanning Services.

Staff members

Mohamed Hassan Akuwail
Users Services Librarian (Ground Floor) 
Phone: 0133332831
Central Library A3

Mouawia Hassan Mohamed Saeed
Librarian (First Floor)
Phone: 0133332832
Central Library A3

Sadiq Saeed Ali Alhouri
Librarian (First Floor)
Email :
Phone: 0133332805
Central Library A3

Ali Hassan Alsuwaimel
Librarian (First Floor)
Email :
Phone: 0133332808
Central Library A3

Ali Mohammed Alnahwi
Medical Librarian (Second Floor)
Phone: 0133332807
Central Library A3


Published on: 07 December 2015
Last update on: 30 May 2023
Page views: 1185