Unit tasks

Electronic statistical analysis service uses specialized programs. An executive team from the Deanship of Scientific Research enters data into the program, conducts preliminary tests and analyzes, and chooses a statistical test.


To raise research quality and produce studies at the University of Dammam using the best analytical tools.


To provide statistical services to researchers at the university at a high level of quality and to develop their statistical skills.


To strive to achieve the optimal use by researchers of tools and statistics in various academic fields.

Specialized Services Provided by the Unit

  • Estimating the sample size.
  • Designing the questionnaire.
  • Training of data collectors.
  • Validity and reliability test of the questionnaire.
  • Editing and encoding data.
  • Data entry into computer statistical analysis programs.
  • Data analysis using statistical tests.
  • Interpretation of tables extracted from statistical programs.


Tel 32411 - 37160

Emaildsr@iau.edu.sa -  ahmsmar@iau.edu.sa

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Published on: 30 April 2015
Last update on: 28 January 2024
Page views: 2779