About the initiative?

A motivational initiative launched by the Deanship of Scientific Research, represented by the Scientific Research Marketing Unit, aims to achieve good endeavors through discover distinguished researchers and publishing their research. It is also working to prepare a promising generation of distinguished researchers to reach the world, develop scientific research, and enhance social responsibility, to serve the Kingdom's vision 2030.


Innovative researchers locally and internationally.


Preparing a research generation capable to innovate and prepare research that has an impact on society.


Excellence, Creativity, Team spirit, and Social responsibility


  1. Building the scientific research culture in students.
  2. Developing the scientific research system and innovation.
  3. Discovering researchers and innovators and developing their capabilities.
  4. Enhancing responsibility towards scientific research and researchers to serve the community.

Monthly Production of Students Research Publishing Initiative

Students Research Publishing Initiative for Patent holders

Congratulating Student's for Publishing Initiatives

Common Questions

  • Does the initiative include graduation project research?

The initiative is for the published papers, whether it is graduation projects or otherwise.

  • Can the graduates of previous years participate?

The initiative does not include graduates of previous years, it only includes graduates of the current year.

  • Can the postgraduate student participate?

Yes, they can.

  • What does Q1-Q2 journals mean?

Q1: Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals in the first quartile of the same category.

Q2: Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals in the second quartile of the same category.

  • Is it necessary for the research to be published in English?

It is not necessary for the research to be published in English language, it is allowed in both Arabic and English, but it must be published in journals classified under Q1 - Q2 by Scopus / Web of Science

  • How can I publish scientific research, and what are the conditions?

We would like to thank you for your interest to participate in the initiative, and please check with the academic department in your college, to direct you to a supervisor for your scientific research to determine the topic and complete work on it.

  • There are some conditions for publishing research in scientific journals, please mention some journals accept publishing accounting research?

We appreciate your interest to participate in the initiative, and we inform you that this has been mentioned before, it supposed to be published in scientific journals classified under Q1-Q2, and the Deanship of Scientific Research will soon share a video explaining what the classifications of peer-reviewed scientific journals are, and what is the meaning of Q1-Q2.

  • My research was published on October 19, 2020, can I apply for the initiative?

We would like to thank you for this effort, and we congratulate this achievement, which indicates the quality and accuracy of your research, but we apologize that you are not able to participate, the initiative was launched on 1-1-2021, so we accept only scientific paper published after that date, but if your scientific paper meets the announced conditions, such as publishing in a scientific journal classified under Q1-Q2 / Scopus-WOS, we will congratulate you electronically.

  • Is it necessary to be the first author to participate in the initiative?

 It is not necessary to be the first author to participate in the initiative.

  • My research is still in the publishing stage, and it has not been approved yet by the journal. Can I participate in the initiative?

The applicant cannot participate in the initiative until publication is accepted in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

  • Can the applicant participate in the initiative if he second author / third author? 

Yes, he can.

  • I would like to apply for the initiative, where can I find the application form for the initiative?

You can find the application form for the Students Research Publishing Initiative and application details on the Twitter page of the Deanship of Scientific Research as well as the university's website in the Student Research Publishing Initiative icon, and the application details for the initiative were sent in advance to the university email to all of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University users.

  • Can I participate in the initiative with research that has been collaborated with members from outside Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University?

Yes, it is allowed to participate with publications that have been collaborated with members from outside Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, noting that the award is exclusively for applicants affiliate to Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University.

  • How do I know that the scientific papers that have been submitted, accepted?

We send accepted participants a congratulatory email.

  • Does the supervisor (faculty member) who share with students in scientific paper receive a reward or just the students?

Yes, the supervisor receives a reward equal to the students.

  • I am a Ph.D. student on scholarship and a lecturer at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University, can I apply for Students Research Publishing Initiative, or it is just for bachelor’s students?

Students Research Publishing Initiative is for undergraduate and postgraduate students, you can find the conditions of the submission on  Application Details for Students Research Publishing Initiative.

  • I did research but not published it yet, can I apply for Students Research Publishing Initiative?

Student Research Publishing Initiative is for research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

  • Does the research have to be group research or an individual one?

It could be a group or an individual.

  • Does the research have to be supervised by a faculty member or not?

No, it does not. the initiative is for students, so if you are a group of students who published a scientific paper in Q1, Q2 journals you can participate.

  • Do I have to send the application form before publishing it in the journal? And what are Q1 and Q2 journals?

The Application form should fill after publishing your scientific paper and get approval from the journal.
Q1: Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals in the first quartile of the same category.
Q2: Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals in the second quartile of the same category.
based on Scopus /Web of scientific classification.

  • What is the difference between the first track and the second track in the initiative?

First track: Reward of Excellence in Scientific Research, This track requires publishing in Q1 / Q2 journals, the eligible authors will receive prize money.
Second track: Annual University Award for Students Research, This track requires publishing in Q1journals, the eligible authors will receive a certificate from His Excellency the President of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, in addition to announcing that in the media, the university's magazines, the university’s news newspaper, and on the university's website, and listing the names of the winners on the university’s website under past recipients page.

  • Does Deanship of Scientific Research provide a research translation service?

Deanship of Scientific Research does not provide research translation services.

  • Why DSR does not encourage students to publish research in Arabic journals?

Students Research Publishing Initiative supports publishing in Arabic and foreign journals, provided that the journal should be Q1 / Q2 according to Scopus / Web of Science classification.

  • Does Deanship of Scientific Research give a workshop about Students Research Publishing Initiative?

Last week, the Deanship of Scientific Research gave a workshop entitled "Students Research Publishing Initiative" for College of Arts students. Deanship of Scientific Research seeks to encourage students to participate in this initiative by giving workshops to all colleges.

  • Can I participate in a research paper that has double affiliation?

You cannot, as per the regulations of Students Research Publishing Initiative, research should be affiliated to Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University only.

  • Can intern students participate in Students Research Publishing Initiative?

Yes; The initiative is for students since its launch in early 2021.

  • Is it acceptable to publish a scientific paper outside Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, such as Benha University in Egypt?

Does not accept; The affiliation of the authors must be for Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University.

  • Why are the names of authors not put in the congratulations paper according to the order in the scientific paper?

We try to put the names in the same order in a scientific paper. However, this depends on the length of the author's name.

  • Does applying for the Students Research Publishing Initiative conflict with research publication excellence allowances?

Students Research Publishing Initiative is an independent initiative that does not conflict with any other programs or allowances, as long as the scientific paper fulfills the conditions such as student’s participation in the research.

Published on: 14 January 2021
Last update on: 07 October 2024
Page views: 4972