Stage I (2009 – 2012)

  • First set of research goals & objectives for KFU-Dammam initiated
  • Rebirthing of KFU-Dammam as the independent University of Dammam (UOD), and in 1437-1438 AH the University name change to Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal Univesity.

Stage II (2013-2014)

  • Completion of construction (after 15 year delay) and initial “out-fitting” of Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Abdulaziz Center for Research & Consultative Studies (PMFACRCS)
  • Establishment of two CORE’s within the PMFACRCS
  • Renaming of PMFACRCS as the CRMC
  • SCRELC formation
  • The Monitoring Office for Research & Research Ethics at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University was implemented.
  • Occupancy of new research animal housing facility
  • Development of first Research Strategic Plan
  • Begin planning for creation of the “IAU Medical Sciences City"

Stage III (2015- 2020)

  • Achievement of 2014 research strategic plan 5-yr
  • Launching of the “IAU Medical Sciences City”
  • Open the planned biotechnology incubator
  • Begin planning for the development of the Biotechnology Business Park

Stage IV (2020-2025 & Beyond)*

  • Initial occupancy of the Biotechnology Business Park
  • Continued growth in collaborative development of the Biotechnology business sector in partnership with community leadership
  • Obtain a mature state and growth rate of the research & discovery enterprise

* A new set of objectives and initiatives will be developed for this period. They will be based on progress over the initial 5-year period of this Strategic Plan (2015-2020) and in response to yet unknown new opportunities for continued pursuit of our strategic vision for the research enterprise.

Published on: 10 April 2015
Last update on: 07 November 2018
Page views: 1676