TabsSummary(active tab)PublicationsQualificationsResearchCVSocial MediaSummary Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain received the B.Sc. (First class Hons) and M.Sc. degrees from Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan, in 1998 and 2002, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Strathclyde University, Glasgow, U.K (United Kingdom)., in 2009, all in electrical and electronic engineering. From 1998 to 2016, he was a Teaching Assistant then a Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor with Sudan University of Science and Technology, where he is currently an Associate Professor at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), since 2017 until now. His research interests include renewable energy, PV systems, wind turbines, micro-grid, power electronics, drives and energy conversion. In addition, Dr. Nagmeldeen is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Publications AKARZ Ahmed T. Okasha , Fahad Ghallab Al-Amri , Taher Maatallah, Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain "Numerical study of single-layer and stacked minichannel-based heat sinks using different truncating ratios for cooling high concentration photovoltaic systems" Sustainability 2022, 14(9), 5352; Ibrahim Khalil Almadani, Ibrahim Sufian Osman, Nasir Ghazi Hariri, Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain" Investigating the Effects of Solar Tracking Systems on Thermal Profile of Photovoltaic Modules" International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER 11 (4) (2021) -GA Fahad AL-AMRI, NAGMELDEEN HASSANAIN, NORAH AL-AMRI,”An Expermental Study of Solar Panel Performance Using Heat Pipe and Thermoelectric Generator”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER 9 (No. 3), 1418-1427 (2019) 2- NagmEldeen A M Hassanain , AYMA, ASGAH, “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF ISOLATED SELF-EXCITED RELUCTANCE GENERATORS CONNECTED TO DIODE BRIDGE RECTIFIER” SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (JECS) 16 (3), 9-14 (2015) 3-Aamir Hashim Obeid Ahmed, Giddani Kalcon, Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain, “ Model Reference Adaptive System Sensorless Vector Control of an Induction Motor Using a Novel Fractional Order PI Controller Adaptation Mechanism” International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 1, issue 3- (2015). 4-Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain, Giddani Kalcon, Abdelaziz Y. M. Abbas, Aamir Hashim Obeid Ahmed, “Sahara Desert Interconnected DC Network”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (5), 1365-1372 (2015) 5-Montasir AF, Nagm Eldeen Abdo Mustafa Hassanain, Giddani Kalcon, “Performance Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator connected to a micro hydro turbine”, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research 3 (1), 106-110 (2015) 6-Nagmelden A M Hassanain, AYM Abbas, MH Ahmed, “Performance Analysis of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Charger Using Voltage Oriented Control”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 5 (11), 152-157 (2014) 7-Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain, AYM Abbas, OMEM Hassan, “Performance Analysis of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Connected to A Wind Turbine for Variable Wind Speed” , International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 5 (11), 145-152 (2014) 8-J Fletcher, Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain, “Comparison of DC capacitor requirements for 3-and 5-phase permanent magnet generators feeding diode rectifiers”, 2010 20th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1-6 (2010) 9-Nagmelden A M Hassanain, JE Fletcher, ‘’Steady-state performance assessment of three-and five-phase permanent magnet generators connected to a diode bridge rectifier under open-circuit faults’’ IET renewable Power generation 4 (5), 420-427 (2010) 10-YHA Rahim, JE Fletcher, Nagmelden A M Hassanain, ‘’Performance analysis of salient-pole self-excited reluctance generators using a simplified model’’, IET Renewable Power Generation 4 (3), 253-260 (2010) 11-MT Mohammad, JE Fletcher, Nagmelden A M Hassanain, “Novel five-phase permanent magnet generator systems for wind turbine applications”, International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality ICREPQ'10, 23- 25 March. Granada, Spain, (2010) 12-J Fletcher, T Judendorfer, M Mueller, Nagmeldeen A M Hassanain, M Muhr , “Electrical issues associated with sea-water i, 'mmersed windings in electrical generators for wave-and tidal current-driven power generation”, IET renewable power generation 3 (2), 254-264 (2009) 13-T Judendorfer, J Fletcher, Nagmelden A M Hassanain, M Mueller, M Muhr , “Challenges to machine windings used in electrical generators in wave and tidal power plants”, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 238-241 (2009) 14-Nagmelden A M Hassanain, JE Fletcher , “Analysis three-and five-phase permanent magnet machines supplying diode bridge rectifiers for small-scale wind generators”, Ist International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, 648-653 (2007) Qualifications Academic Qualifications (Beginning with the most recent) Date Academic Degree Place of Issue Address 2009 Phd Strathclyde university. UK Glasgow-UK 2002 MSc Sudan university of science and technology. Khartoum, Sudan 1998 BSC Sudan university of science and technology. Khartoum, Sudan Research Renewable energy- Electrical machines, Power electronics, Electrical machines design CV Dr. nagmeldeen abdo mustafa’s CV Social Media ShareFacebook Twitter Email PrintFriendly