TabsOverviewThe PhD Program in Geography began in the 1984-1985 CE/1404-1405 AH academic year. The Department of Geography has been conferring PhD’s to women who have later gone on to conduct research as well as teach at UoD. Geography Contains three specialization Physical Geography Human Geography Historical Geography CollegeCollege of ArtsCampusDammamTrackArts and EducationLevelPostgraduateDegreePhDGenderFemale, MaleYears of study3Credit hours24 Program: The program is conducted through courses and a dissertation. Graduation Requirements: 16 study units + 10 Dissertation Minor Specialization: Physical Geography Human Geography Historical Geography AdmissionTerms of Admission The applicant shall fulfill all terms and conditions set forth in the unified regulations of graduate studies in Saudi universities as per the fifteenth article of the said regulations. The applicant shall have obtained the MA’s degree from department of Geography from one of the Saudi universities or from recognized universities with ‘very good’ grade (at least) 3.75 out of 5. Approval of his/her work organization according to the unified regulations of graduate studies provided that all above-mentioned conditions must be fulfilled. The applicant shall pass the written exam and the interview made by the department. The applicant shall pass the General Aptitude Test for University Students. The applicant shall fulfill any other conditions set forth by the department council. Year descriptionStudy in the program depends upon the mode of academic courses and a thesis; two academic semesters are allocated to the academic courses in one of the following tracks: Economic Geography & Development track Human Geographic and Sustainable Development track Student shall study in the program (24) instructional units (IUs) and the number of courses in each specialization amounted to (6) compulsory courses without electives at (3courses in each semester. The prescribed period to obtain the PhD’s degree shall be (3) academic years. Study planStudy Plan and Course Specification Study in the program depends upon the mode of academic courses and a dissertation; two academic semesters are allocated to the academic courses in one of the following tracks: Natural Geography and the Sustainable Development track Human Geographic and Sustainable Development track. Student shall study in the program (24) instructional units (IUs) in each semester of the first year of study including (2) compulsory general courses + (1) compulsory specialized courses while the other remaining two years are for the dissertation at (6) hours for each year and (3) hours for each semester at (4) academic semesters. First year Semester one Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite 8007603 Spatial Relations 1 2 - - 8007605 Readings in Geography 2 - - Choose two courses in the area of specialisation 8007606 Economic Geography 2 - - 8007607 Political Geography 2 - - 8007608 Climatology 2 - - 8007609 Physical Geography 2 - - 8007610 Population Geography 2 - - 8007611 Geography of Settlement 2 - - 8007612 Historical Geography 2 - - 8007613 Social Geography 2 - - Semester two Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite 8007604 Spatial Relations 2 2 - - 8007601 Seminar (NP) 2 - - Choose two courses in the area of specialisation 8007614 Economic Geography 2 - - 8007615 Political Geography 2 - - 8007616 مقرر تخصصي في الجغرافيا المناخية 2 - - 8007617 Physical Geography 2 - - 8007618 Population Geography 2 - - 8007619 Geography of Settlement 2 - - 8007620 Historical Geography 2 - - 8007621 Social Geography 2 - - Second year Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite 8007600 Dissertation 10 - -