
  1. Divide lecture rooms and assign supervisors for the final exam schedule.
  2. Prepare the final exam schedule.
  3. Confirm the readiness of lecture rooms. 
  4. Follow up on the progress of the final exams; which include: 
  • Tracking the attendance of the examination supervisors and providing a substitute supervisor in case of an emergency.
  • Receiving questions from the course professor, the lists of students' names and handing them over to the committees.
  • Receiving the examination papers and signatures' list from the examination committee and handing them to the course professor.
  • Presenting a daily report on the progress of the final exams.
  • Providing answer sheets according to the type of exam (automatic correction, answer papers, same paper).
  • Preparing special records awknowledging the receipt of  questions from each department with respect to the exam delivery date, name of the professor and subject name.
  • Organizing the lecture rooms according to the number of students in the course.
  • Referring students who have encountered problems such as illness or cheating to the concerned committee.
  • Preparing the final examination report.
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Published on: 17 August 2014
Last update on: 05 September 2014
Page views: 3481