University Council

In addition to carrying out relevant general policies in accordance with the law, it is the authority in charge of directing the scientific, educational, financial, and administrative matters. 

 IAU affairs are governed by: 

  1. Trustees Council
  2. University Council
  3. President of the university 

University Council Members

Each university has a council known as the "University Council," which is presided over by the institution's president and consists:

  1. Vice presidents.
  2. Deans of colleges, deanships, institutes, and centers.
  3. Maximum of four experts or interested professionals appointed by the Trustees Council following the president's nomination for a two-year term that is renewable once. 

Appointment of the University Council Secretary

A general secretary is chosen from the teaching staff after being proposed by the council president and is appointed in accordance with a directive made by the council for a two-year term that is renewable once.

Conclusion of the council session

At least once a month during the academic year, the council is called to order by the president. The president has the authority to convene a meeting when necessary or if the event that a third of the members submit a written request, but the meeting will not be adjourned until two-thirds of the members are present, including the president or the deputy president. The president's decision takes precedence in the event of a tie vote, but council decisions must be approved by a simple majority of the attendees. Once signed, the council’s decisions are regarded as being final.

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Published on: 19 October 2022
Last update on: 19 October 2022
Page views: 2706