Course Description
This course will introduce the students to the fundamentals of Computer Aided Design drafting. Students will learn how to use simple drafting commands and standard drafting methods to produce technical and standard 2D drawings. The course exposes students to a number of drafting techniques, while allowing them to also develop their own techniques. Students will learn how to manipulate and alter 2D drawings, how to work in two spaces specifically: model and paper spaces, how to integrate 2D drawings with other project information and databases and how to link project information and make it easy to read and interpret. In addition, the basics of mass modelling will be taught. The student will become familiar with using networked workstations and be able to produce various types of output files. The students will also learn how to print out a hard copy of a digital drawing using plotters and printers and to transfer a hard copy drawing or an image into a digital one using scanners, digital cameras and digitizers.
Course ID: ARCH-241
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 4 | 4 | - |