Course Description
The course follows a logical progression of acoustic interactions. Beginning with a history of architecture history, the fundamentals of acoustics, human perception and reaction to sound, acoustic noise measurements and noise metrics and environmental noise will be presented. Wave acoustics will then be discussed followed by sound and solid surfaces, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, sound transmission in buildings, vibration and vibration isolation, noise transmission in floor systems, noise in mechanical systems and sound attenuation in ducts. Part of the course will focus on specific design problems, including treatment of multifamily dwellings, office buildings as well as rooms for speech, sound reinforcement systems, rooms for music, multipurpose rooms, auditoriums, sanctuaries, studios and listening rooms. While providing a thorough overview of acoustics, the course will also include the theory of loudspeaker systems and sound system modelling as well as an in-depth presentation of computer modelling.
Course ID: BSTC -521
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | BSTC -341 |