Course Description
This is the second course that addresses architectural structures in the program. The subject matter will progress by investigating the design and analysis of structural systems through concrete structural design, the properties and design potential of various materials, building services such as electrical and HVAC systems and will address the relationship between the superstructure, construction and architecture. In addition, the students will learn about the processes necessary for the assembly of structures and construction through an examination of the performance requirements for each and the design potential inherent in their components. The students will gain a solid understanding of the techniques employed in the specification and design of elements that serve each system, as well as a working knowledge of the factors that influence the configuration of those elements and the resulting morphologies. An appreciation of the technical complexity involved will lead to the development of a high level of competence, which will be employed in the search for opportunities to integrate the two systems with building services. One project will make up a major portion of this class: the multi-story building. Students will be asked to present their work in the form of architectural plans, sections, façades, reinforced concrete structural design details and mechanical systems.
Course ID: BSTC -302
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
4 | 12 | 12 | BSTC-301 |