Course Description
The Design Studio 5 course focuses on working drawings and uses the wide range of information that the students have amassed in the following two previous courses: Building Systems of Materials and Concept of Structure and Environments. Various techniques that are used in making working drawings will be presented along with different methods used to complete and finalize execution documents. Students will be asked to present their work in the form of architectural plans, sections, façades, schedule types, details and the assembly of building components. The technical aspects of external building shells based on architectural function requirements will be discussed and the material and structure systems will be introduced, along with a discussion on initial environmental behaviour. One project will make up a major portion of this class: the low-rise building. Students will select the building types at the beginning of the term.
Course ID: BSTC-301
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
4 | 12 | 12 | ARCH -202 |