Course Description
The Design Methods class will examine the definition of design, the principle of design and the elements of design within the framework of the design process. How physical and social aspects of design are analyzed, synthesized and proposed in a space will make up the fundamentals of this course. Different theories, concepts and criteria will be studied in accordance with design principles in order for the students to fully understand the similarities and differences in design projects.
The main objective of this class is to enable students to think and create an optimum and rational design along with an awareness of various design aspects. This class will help the designer to follow certain norms that are important for the architecture and interior design professions, such as: concepts of color, human factors and spatial composition, design in relation to technology, economy, social and cultural factors, safety, security, comfort, religious as well as all other related issues in our built environment.
How designers approach the development of a model for problem solving and how they recognize the different stages or phases in the design process will be covered along with how to analyze, compare and criticize a built environment. Contemporary issues related to design and a clear understanding of the transition between traditional and modern architecture are important issues, which will be examined using a local context.
Course ID: ARCH-251
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 2 | 2 | - |