Course Description
This course introduces the students to the architectural and interior design processes. Topics covered include: a description of each phase in the process, activities, objectives and a problem-solving exercises in design that will utilize graphic thinking. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the socio-cultural, environmental and climatic issues. Additionally, basic technical aspects of spatial composition and development, building function, construction materials and systems will be explored. Physical aspects such as: interior space delineation, rendering techniques, color schemes, furnishings, materials and lighting will be studied comprehensively.
A simple but complete project will be required that will utilize all of the design principles that have been taught. This project will also include issues related to the aesthetic components of design as well as design concepts, relationships, symbolism, style and their effect on the users. The physical components of design and design procedures will comprise the preliminary phases of the course where different theories will be implemented. During this phase students will define a project, develop and evaluate alternatives and select and communicate solutions.
Course ID: ARCH 201
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
4 | 8 | 8 | Prep Year |