Course Description
This course concentrates on the design of water supply and distribution systems, including both hot and cold water supply systems. Both surface and underground drainage schemes will be examined in detail. Sanitary systems, including sewage treatment and disposal systems along with their plumbing systems, physical and hydrological principles of fluid flow, plumbing system designs, water storage provision, requirements and design will be covered in this course. Plumbing systems (water supply, drainage and firefighting) components, appliances and fixtures and flow requirements will be addressed in this course as well, in addition to network sizing and design, plumbing materials and installation and building design integration, plumbing regulations, design representations and specifications.
Course ID: BSTC -431
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | BSTC -331 |