Course Description
This course will begin with an introduction to geotechnical exploration, methods of boring, types of samples and sampling, field tests and a look at geophysical exploration. Students will learn about the following tests, including: standard penetration test, plate load test, cyclic plate load test, static and dynamic cone penetration test, pressure meter tests, dilatometer tests and in-situ permeability tests. Presentation and processing of soil exploration data and its interpretation will be discussed along with shallow foundation and the bearing capacity of foundation based on in-situ tests. Bearing capacity for foundation on slope, mat foundations including floating raft, settlement calculations for footings on cohesive and cohesion less soil based on in-situ tests will also be presented along with information on deep foundations, including the following topics: mechanics of load transfer in piles, load carrying capacity, pile load test, design of pile groups and settlement calculations.
Course ID: BSTC -575
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
3 | 4.50 | 4.5 | BSTC -422 |