Otolaryngology head and neck surgery department accepts interns who choose the department as their elective one-month rotation. The rotation aims to enhance ORL-HNS basic knowledge and clinical skills and prepare interns for future career. The intern is involved in the care of patients at different levels and this includes outpatient's clinic, in-patient wards, emergency department and operating room. Interns' duties are directly supervised by a senior registrar and residents in addition to the department staff. They are posted in the on-call schedule and attached to the on-call team when posted. They are also encouraged to participate in research and attend different department scientific and clinical meetings.
This elective rotation is coordinated with the office of vice dean for clinical affairs in the hospital. It is always advisable to apply for the rotation through the office at the beginning of one’s internship or, at least, 4-6 months before the intended start date. The department accepts limited number of interns each month and the schedules are arranged ahead of the rotation start time. At beginning of the rotation, each intern will be provided with his/her own schedule that assures exposure to different subspecialties throughout the month without conflicts with other rotating interns.