Responding to Requests and Referrals Mechanism

The academic supervisor reviews the requests and responds to them by following:

1. Study the case of the guided student for each request based on (follow-up report - academic record)
2. Holding direct and indirect individual meetings and meetings with students who are about to falter to search for the causes of academic faltering (academic - personal - financial - health) and work to help them solve their problems in the appropriate ways for each case and try to work on solving the obstacles that stand in the way of their excellence by guiding them For the best way to continue studying, and how to make a decision regarding the selection of courses and deletion and addition, and urging them to attend the training courses provided by the University Counseling Center in studying methods...... and so on.
3. Fill out an individual counseling case form for each guided student and save the form in the academic supervision file.
4. Access each requests and choose to update a note and complete data of the note (category - sub-category - subject - assigned to (depending on the student's case item 5), student access yes, note status is open) with an emphasis on the student to respond to the request so that the supervisor can: Close the request and continue
5. In case the supervisor is not able to solve the student’s problem, the request will be referred based on the reasons for the failure, taking into account the following:

  • Referring any student who has a psychological / social / family (personal) problem to the student advisor at the college after obtaining the student's approval for the referral with an explanation of the reasons. In case of non-approval, the request is referred to the head of the Academic Supervision Unit.
  • Referring any student with an academic problem to the department head or professor of a particular course in which the student is facing difficulty in academic achievement (to attend office hours) or to a learning support center in order to register the needs for additional lessons.
  • Referring any student who has a financial problem to the head of the academic supervision unit at the college to communicate with the relevant authorities according to the procedures followed.
  • Referring any student with a health problem to the head of the academic supervision unit at the college to communicate with the relevant authorities according to the procedures followed.
  • Referring the student to the head of the academic supervision if his problem cannot be resolved through the academic supervisor or referral to other authorities.

6. Responding to the request from the referred entities, by updating a specific note to the academic supervisor after processing.
7. The supervisor adds the comment and closes the request after completing its directive by him or by other parties.
8. Follow up with the entities referred to the request, if needed.

Published on: 29 January 2023
Last update on: 29 January 2023
Page views: 393