This department is mainly concerned with collecting data for Key Performance Indicators [KPI], measuring stakeholders’ opinion in the form of surveys, benchmarks, metrics, rubrics and other statistics from different sources.  The analyzed results, trends and time-series of the data collected (i.e. patterns of evidence) will be widely distributed to various stakeholders of the university/college for developing correction action plan(s). This department consist of three units

  • Statistics Unit
  • Studies & Research unit
  • Quality Information technology support unit.

The studies and research unit of this department is responsible for the preparation of self-study report for program accreditation.


Functions of Statistics Unit

  • Ensure regular evaluation of the students experience through a systematic framework of assessing students’ perceptions of: 
    1. Courses taught in each program offered in the university.
    2. Programs offered in the college.
    3. Quality of administrative &support services provided by the university. 
  • Undertake all university level audits to ensure that the faculty is complying with the university's QM requirements.
  • Analyse data pertaining to students’ achievement of Learning outcomes of various programs offered at IAU. 
  • Collate data to benchmark teaching and learning quality with other national & international universities. 
  • Provide staff members with information on their teaching performance and to assist further development of their teaching practices by gaining feedback from students. 
  • Generate inputs for academic staff promotion and performance management processes and teaching portfolios. 
  • Ensure that evaluations & surveys are aligned with the university mission, prepare and equip all the colleges for quality assessment & academic accreditation. 
  • Coordinate with Quality IT Unit of DQAA and collect data using ‘UDMetrics’ to maintain a database for preparing required KPIs.
  • Prepare KPI Manual for both Institution & program and report it to the higher administration at periodic intervals.  
  • Provide training to the faculty members and quality management personnel of all colleges on handling of KPIs for both Institutional and Program accreditation of all colleges attached with the university. 
  • Conduct routine and periodic meeting with the Deanship of Preparatory years & support studies to make sure that all their documents (i.e. Study Plan) and processes (i.e. conduct of Surveys/KPIs) are aligned with NCAAA requirements.

Functions of Quality Studies & Research Unit

The Research section is primarily established to strengthen the quality studies and research mission of DQAA as well as to fulfill self-study documentation requirements of IAU with specific focus on academic accreditation.

  • Review, update and prepare Self-Study report of various programs offered at IAU in coordination with program representatives and the national accreditation unit of DQAA.
  • Prepare action plans towards the recommendations of Institutional & Program Accreditation (EEC-NCAAA).
  • Conduct studies and research needed to improve university’s performance, based on a set of Key Performance Indicators [KPIs]
  • Evaluate performance of IAU to achieve continuous quality improvements 
  • Conduct research in both academic and hospital setting where the opportunity for research is feasible and appropriate. 
  • Analyse previous studies and locate the problem for investigation 
  • Conduct SWOT analysis to find out the research gap and to predict the scope for conducting research in the chosen areas
  • Submit proposals for conducting new research within the boundaries of academic and clinical quality management areas. 
  • Prepare and submit manuscripts to both national and international journals for publications
  • Maintain a database of the both national and international journals and its procedure for submitting new manuscripts.  
  • Maintain a database of all the published scientific articles from the Deanship.


Functions of Electronic Quality Systems Unit

This unit provides high quality software solutions for various academic and administrative departments of the University and transforms data into knowledge and wisdom. The team focuses its attention on the individuals and interactions involved because projects are undertaken by people, not tools, and problems get solved by people, not processes. Lastly, it focuses on exploring and adopting the best available IT solutions and methods. Some of the major objectives of this unit is given below: 

1)    The main objective of this unit is to help the Deanship to migrate its processes from paper-based to web-based systems.

2)    This unit plays a key role in the design, implementation and maintenance of software systems. The applications created by this unit are totally indigenous, the ingredients are authentic, and it help DQAA be more efficient and provide a better service. All the applications are designed 100% in-house and are completely customizable to the requirements of IAU. This will give the full power to DQAA as to when to add or modify any feature.

3)    This unit verifies that the system complies with the functional specification. In keeping with the philosophy of zero-defect code, this unit is actively involved in the development process to ensure that quality is built into the product, instead of being tested into the product.

4)    This unit provides applications demo and documentation to all the stakeholders to ensure efficient and effective usability.

5)    Continuous maintenance and improvement is being carried out by this unit to the existing software and it facilitates improvement in all the measurement & evaluation processes of DQAA.

6)    Provides instant and active support to DQAA departments by providing necessary data in electronic format. This unit provides active support to the Deanship to improve the accessibility and usability of the applications.

7)    Regular data updates are done that are harvested from various resources and is verified by coordinating with different stakeholders of the application.

8)    Addresses the need for the design and development of new applications for DQAA such as SSALO (Self Study and Learning Outcomes), RMIT (Risk Management Incident Tracker) and QSMS (Quality Support Management System).

Published on: 14 July 2020
Last update on: 06 June 2024
Page views: 2815