
The faculty of the Department of Biochemistry began teaching students in 1976 and the biochemistry curriculum has been structured to meet the different needs of the medical students.


The mission of the department is to present biochemistry courses in an appropriate form that are required by the different disciplines and to carry out research related to various diseases, especially those prevalent in the area, as well as to teach and train graduate students.


On successful completion of each of the courses outlined below, the student should be able to:

  • Understand the molecular basis of biochemical processes in health and disease.
  • Adopt continuous education and training in applied biochemistry.

Undergraduate Courses

Medical Biochemistry  (MDBC 206)

This course provides an overview of the basic principles of biochemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism in normal and diseased states.  It will prepare the students for other pre-clinical and clinical subjects.  The topics taught include an overview of cellular constituents, major metabolic pathways, glucose homeostasis, blood biochemistry, gene information, hormonal action, prostaglandin and vitamins. Methods of teaching include lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory sessions.

Medical Genetics (MDBC 403)

This course provides an overview of inheritance and specific traits linked to diseases.  It will describe the molecular basis of variation in living organisms and link genetic knowledge to the understanding of many diseases.  The topics taught will include, review of organization of the human genome, transcription and translation of genes, clinical cytogenesis, patterns of inheritance, mutations, genetic diagnosis and a number of diseases as models for molecular diseases.

Published on: 11 May 2014
Last update on: 01 April 2024
Page views: 1446